Goin' To The Dogs

I'm sure you all know this, but occassionally it bears repeating. All dogs on the planet are MINE. Due to space and time restrictions, I assign stewards and keep them in different places around the globe.

This is Brinkley. I keep him in Minneapolis with my friends, The Brownes. He's a sweetheart who's very camera curious so I have lots of photos taken down the barrel of his nose.

This is Sophie and Max. (Can't find Max? Look UNDER Sophie.) I keep them at my brother and sister-in-law's house in Illinois. Sophie's sweatshirt says DGG (Dog Gone Gorgeous!) I think these two are the cat's pajamas!

These are my boxer-cuddle-buds, Dakota, Nevada, and Murphy. I keep them at friend Joe's house in Monticello. This is us catching up and ringing in 2010 in a big dogpile on New Year's Eve.

This is Topanga. I keep her upstairs with my friends Mike and Mike so she gets to come visit me often. Here we are having one of our lengthy girl-to-girl heart-to-hearts. She's a very good listener.
These two rascals are Gracie and ZuZu. I keep them at Knitzu's house in Augusta, Maine. Just look at those furry faces!

And here's the fur beast that lives at my house, Mr. Bentley and his buddy Stinky Skunk.
Is he not the king of the dorky pose or what?

So to recap. Dogs. All mine. I know all of their names, locations and personalities and can provide a complete list upon request. If you have one at your house, please give him/her a huge hug and sloppy kiss and tell them Mommy loves them!


MadCityMike said…
I think you've sent those vibes to Copper very well. She is sitting here wagging her tail very vigorously when I read her your message. :)
Cindy G said…
Aw, they're all good dogs, but I have to say I really love that Boxer pile!

Sorry to say I'll miss Last Saturday this month. Give my best to all.
Anonymous said…
Lucy and Bear want to say that they are just fine, thanks. They are all about having mistresses all over the planet. And Spartacus, the mastiff who lives down the road, has been doing an awesome job of patrolling the perimeter.

Just thought you would like to know ;-)
Lisa/knitnzu said…
Those are some pretty funny dogs you have there... The girls send their love!
terri browne said…
Brinkley misses you and Ben! And I LOVE that picture of him...too cute!
dale-harriet said…
I sent an email o' love to your Papillon name of "Roquefort" in Colorado (I thought he was mine, but I believe you). I think I own all the cats in the world and have them similarly staked out around the world (well, ok, except Taki - he's Mary's, but he's MY grandkitty). An' I'm still sad at having had to miss BOTH the Spin-In AND Last Saturday......
I will pet the top of the kitty's heads at my house. I will give them extra rations of petting as a matter of fact.

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