Photo Essay of Olbrich Gardens Butterflys


aaron browne said…
Those are some truly amazing pictures MB, I'm impressed!!! Hope you're doing well. Your grandson misses you, as does your dog. :) Chat with you again soon!
MadCityMike said…
We thought those little "eating areas" with the brightly colored netting were great backgrounds for the butterflies, too. Your photos are beautiful!
You are the prettiest butterfly of all. No kidding. I guess MadCityMike sort of explain the dish scrubbie things.
Lisa/knitnzu said…
way, way cool! I especially like the one that looks like leaves...
I'm sorry we missed each other at knitting camp. I heard what happened. I wish it hadn't.
Cindy G said…
Sooo pretty (oh, and the butterflies aren't bad, either).

Isn't that collection in the display cases amazing? I saw it last year, and could have spent hours.
YarnThrower said…
We LOVE the Olbrich gardens butterfly thing...though we're not going to make it over there this summer. And now, after seeing your blog postings, I don't have to :-)

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