Gone But Not Forgotten...

It is with great sadness that I announce that Michael-J.-('MJ' to his friends)The-Road-Kill Fox departed this world on Sunday, June 14 doing what he loved best; playing with is dog friends. MJ was a good fox. He was docile and kind and always had a snuggle for you if you were down (on the floor). The sound of his briefly-working squeaker was a joy to all. On his last day on earth, he, Ben and Brinkley-from-next-door were playing a rousing game of tug of war:

Ben: I want MJ! (pull pull)
Brinkley: No he’s mine!(pull pull)
(Repeat x 1 trillion)

Then came that moment of triumph when each dog discovered that he had won! And ensuing confusion when each dog discovered....that he had won! They EACH had MJ…at least part of him. [ For those of you keeping score at home, Brinkley was technically the winner since he had a mouthful of nose and ears… so he came out ‘a-head’! ]

A small private service was held near the prairie reserve on Hwy M in Madison where the cottonwood fluff and prairie grasses dancing in the breeze made everything that much more poignant. Pipers played as he was lowered and laid to rest in the dumpster under Apartment 107. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to your local animal shelter.

Ben’s new friend, Beavus-The-Road-Kill-Beaver, has been consoling his buddy the best way he knows how. Here is a photo of him soothing Ben as Ben sobs himself to sleep over the loss....
The moral of this sad tale is that tug of war is not a game worth going to pieces over.


Mum said…
My condolences to those left behind!
Lisa/knitnzu said…
bwa ha ha ha! Oh, I mean, so sad... Our mean awful kitties are losing parts quickly (we have two, one is mean awful, I think the other is terribly angry). DH says we will need to sew them together as one monstrosity when they become too torn apart.
YarnThrower said…
Groaner of a post! Very fun!
Cindy G said…
MJ, we hardly knew ye!
terri browne said…
What an adorable pic of Bentley! Thanks again for watching Brinks for us this afternoon/evening!
Johanna/Posieknit said…
May he rest in peace...
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...
. . . fun fur to fun fur . . .
You are my new punster of note.
dale-harriet said…



I'm going to have to think up some appropriate action here but it's going to take a while.

Watch this space.
yojane2118 said…
Maybe I should pick up some roadkill from the side of the road. Those opossums looked might tasty.
MadCityMike said…
Uhhhhh, Ms. Molly Bee......it has been over a week since you've posted. Is everything OK? Are you living a dull life???? ;)

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