One Step Forward Two Steps Back/Will I Be My Valentine?

I spent the last week working on my sweater. As of this moment it looks exactly like the top picture of my last post. What happened was, I picked up the stitches for the back and knit almost ten inches of it when I decided that I didn’t like the openness of the fabric. I was knitting the large size and to get gauge, I had to knit it on 8’s (the pattern called for 7’s). So I ripped it all out and started making it over in the XL size on size 7 needles. I hope that does the trick because I like the pattern/fabric so much better on 7s; not so sloppy looking.

I also changed from bamboo needles to metals which is making a world of difference on the ease of knitting. The bamboo was awful sticky and the ends aren’t pointy enough. Adis are much better. Especially in light of the fact that I ended up getting splints for carpel tunnel yesterday. I’ve been waking up every morning for the last month or so unable to turn off my alarm because my hands are two cement blocks on the ends of my arms. Kinda like trying to toggle the button with a coupla dead fish. It was amusing at first, then it became scary because, ya’ll know me, carpel tunnel never crossed my mind, my hypochondriacally bent mind went right to ‘hand cancer’. But no….some kind of repetitive motion says Doc W….oh I dunno maybe blogging, knitting, drawing, computing, (------- fill in that blank with all of the other things I do that make my life worth living)…has wreaked havoc on my poor wrists. But as you can tell by this blog entry about me working on my sweater, I’m not exactly slowing down much….I am wearing the stylish hand frocks to bed though and last night at least it helped tremendously. They aren’t a beautiful as the boot but still….with my XXL men’s t-shirt, penguin jammie pants, and multicolored wool socks, I can work it baby! It’s a bold fashion statement whose time has come!

As usual, my social calendar runneth over….Last weekend was jam packed; Knit Night on Friday night and then lunches, coffee, dinners and games with assorted friends, old and new on Saturday and Sunday. Last night was Dishcloth Night at the Ear although I left early because I was too grumpy to be tolerable. I have a friend coming over for supper tonight. I whipped up a Shepherd’s Pie last night so all I have to do is stick it in the oven. I’m making Oreo Truffles for friends, neighbors and the kids Thursday night and then on Friday I have lunch date. Whew!

Saturday is Valentine’s Day. It used to be my favorite holiday. It was the anniversary of when Mr. Bee and I met and I just liked the concept of having a day to lavish more attention on him than I already did. Yeah. Well. That ship has sailed. This year the day is irritating the hell out of me. I can’t believe how much mush there is out there including a Hallmark commercial that has a card that plays our song and runs approximately every 15 seconds all evening long. And I’m not supposed to eat chocolate either! Oy!

I’ve decided that this VD is a time to lavish attention on ME. I’m going to Rainbow Fleece Fiber Farms to see baby lambs. I’m going shopping for some spring clothes and I have date with a bubble bath and a good book! I’m going to make myself a meal that includes asparagus and fresh strawberries. I may even take me to a movie (That new 'Under The Sea' IMAX 3D movie comes out this weekend)… but I won’t put out afterwards...not on the first date…what kind of girl do you think I am? Since VD is on a Saturday, I may even make a weekend of it! Especially since a friend loaned me her Blackpool DVD’s OMG! Too funny! I could spend the entire weekend just watching that! And of course the whole thing will be liberally sprinkled with puppy smooches and strolls!

So for all of you out there who DO have a Valentine this year, snuggle them, cuddle them, lavish them with chocolate and be aware of how truly blessed you are. And for all of you who don’t have one this year, be your own Valentine! Love yourself enough to do something special just for you!


DPUTiger said…
Re: V-day. Bah, Humbug! I've always been a valentine's day naysayer. Silly hallmark holiday!

Re: hands. I was having some hand troubles but realized that if I fell asleep with an open hand instead of a closed fist, I felt much better in the morning. Glad your splints are helping!
Cindy G said…
Yikes! Do be careful with the hands! Be sure to take stretch/rest breaks.

Be good to you, you, you this weekend.

A voodoo doll would probably be bad karma for you, but if you want me to do it for you....
Elizabeth said…
Well, Owen is my Valentine since 1995. I was never big on the day before then.

I had the carpal tunnel releases on both hands, so if you get to needing surgery, I'm the woman with advice and opinions. Well, in general, I'm the woman with advice and opinions. We'll chat about it soon, I'm sure.
Ice, ibuprofen, the braces at night. Don't overdo it. Don't keep knitting when it hurts or your fingers go numb.

Hey, if you want to come play laser tag with us Saturday afternoon, let me know.
Kitty Mommy said…
Sounds like a great V-day plan!! The tallest of my guys is a great big V-day scrooge (though he has mellowed a bit over the years, ask me about our first V-day together sometime) so I am making him Darwin birthday cookies today instead of V-day treats.
I say go ahead and put out, but be careful of your carpal tunnel.
MadCityMike said…
Molly Bee.....I think all of your readers, consciously or unconsciously, feel that YOU are our valentine, like it or not. ;)
Enjoy your weekend!

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