Little Knitting and Big Buffoonery

Have been knitting a bit but forgot to take pictures before I gave the projects away. I made a kid’s black hat with multicolored stripes for the Sow’s Ear Charity endeavor. I also have the Hat from Heck worked up on straight needles, I just have to seam it tonight at Knit Night and I started another black hat which I can hopefully finish tonight too. That is if I don’t punk out too early like last time. (8:45. Peh, it was disgraceful!) I’m emotionally drained and overly distraught these days and it all seems to make me way more physically tired than normal but I am determined to say until at least 8:55 tonight. Building up my stamina.

I made a dish cloth at Dishcloth Night at The Ear on Tuesday. It’s pretty cool. It’s only knit and purl stitches, all one color. The knit stitches are the background and the purl stitches make the Olympic Rings symbol with ‘2008’ underneath. I have a few more balls of dishcloth cotton in my stash and the Olympic one went so fast that I’ve decided to knit new ones for my new nest. The one I’m working on now is a green tree frog. Will try to get pics and post them this weekend. Mostly all I’m able to concentrate on these days are the simple quick projects.

Be it the fatigue or the medication, I pulled a couple of buffoonish moves this week. One was on Sunday when I went to the movie ‘Mama Mia’ [It’s a cute movie but DON’T go if you are in the throes of divorce.] I didn’t notice one of my coworker/kids was there until I sat down in my seat. She was 2 rows down from me. Since it was before the movie started, I whispered, “Pat!” Nothing. So a little louder “Pat!!!” Still nothing. So I did the standard “PSSSST” pretty loudly. Everyone else in the theater turned around, but not Pat. Finally I decided it was time to pull out the big guns and sacrifice a kernel of my freshly popped popcorn. I poked around to find one that looked liked it had both the weight and sail ability to make it two rows down. All those disqualified were promptly eaten. I found a winner and wound up and chucked it. Some irate lady who looks JUST LIKE PAT from the back turned around. I was so embarrassed. And she was less than amused. Lesson learned? Probably not.

Then on Wednesday I was waiting for my turn in front of a glass walled conference room. The people that had the meeting the previous hour were running late, so it is company policy that when this happens one must stand directly in front of the glass and stare in. Friend-Jen was running the meeting and mouthed ‘Is this room yours?’ I smiled and nodded. She held up her index finger, miming ‘just one more minute’. I like Jen a lot, so being the goof that I am, I went to give her the ‘Vee’ to the eyes ‘I’m watching you’ sign but disaster struck. My bracelet caught on my security badge [which is clipped to the hem of my shirt on a Spider Man utility belt type thingie that allows you to pull the badge towards the security scanner on a long sting. Then you let go and it sucks right back up in.] It stayed stuck to my bracelet until it meet with my eyeball where it then let go and promptly snapped me in the back pockets on it’s way home. Uh huh people, all this and coordination too! Jen saw the whole thing and was laughing too hard to continue her meeting, so I got my room, but there must have been a classier way to do it. I may be the only employee in this company that has nearly gouged their eyeball out with their own security badge. I wonder if Workman’s Comp covers that?

PS. Anyone who was considering the Quilting Magazines before but thought they were too spendy, I've cut the price in half. Over 275 magazines filled with patterns for $50!


Sus said…
OMG, the popcorn story is HI-larious and *exactly* the sort of thing that would happen to me!!
YarnThrower said…
Laughing out loud, as is typical when I read your blog...

You hang in there! Times won't always be like these, and there are much better days to come (though it is such a pain until those days get here, but they will!). You are amazing!!

Hey -- be careful with the badge thingy! And, when I go to the movies, I now know to look around my seat just in case you might be there to throw popcorn at me. I'd chuckle, however :-) A similar thing happened to me a few weeks ago when I was walking down the street, except I was shouting the name of a person whom I thought was walking about 20 yards in front of me. After a few shouts, the person turned around (and it became clear that I **didn't** know her), so I sort of looked around myself, as in, "Who is that loud person shouting?" Just an idea for you...
DPUTiger said…
Oh, awesome. :) I really have to be careful when I think I see someone I know. I've worked all over and have trained myself to do the "I think I know this person from XX, so they could/not be here. Of course, my knitting friends have started to accuse me of knowing everyone so I guess I should just continue to prove them right!
dale-harriet said…
I can top that: I saw my good ol' (gay) pal ahead of me...this was years ago in Minneapolis...and I shouted "Hey, nice A**!" The person turned around, and of course it was NOT my pal; I just said " is...." and then kind o' fled. BTW, you're an inspiration, I'm going to take a respite from Dr Who and try a wee baby hat and the Olympic dishcloth.

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