When the Going Gets Tough...

It's been a rough couple of weeks around Chez Bee which means there has been precious little housework (even more 'precious-er littler' than usual) and more drawing and crafting. After help from Friend-Jen on this finorkin' pattern , (Not the designer's fault-I totally over thought the chart to the point of no return.) I've made some headway on my shawl. Close up of stitches. It's honeycomb but you won't be able to really tell until I block the bejeepers out of it. This is a horrible shot, but more accurately represents the yarn color. I don't generally wear bright yellow and this yarn, with it many shades, reminded me more of honey and honeycomb than the one on the pattern. There's also been copious amounts of doodling. Nothing takes me out of my head and tranquilized my mind-monkeys like a clean sheet of paper and an ink pen. This is a card I made for my friend Kathy. The pattern in the upper left is my ' Ob...