Diva Challenge: Crux and Molly The Hedge Warrior

Business first. I haven't done a Diva Challenge in a while so I settled down last night to tackle this week's UMT (Use My Tangle). The entire tile is one tangle pattern called 'Crux'. It's so versatile and there are so many variations that 20 people could sit down and do it and get 20 results. Just pop on over the Diva's post and check out all of the entries at the bottom of the entry. Diversity at its finest!

I'm happy with the 3D effect I was able to achieve with the tips and tricks I learned at my last class with Katie Butler. I'm looking forward to playing with them lots more. 

We are the proud owners of a new electric hedge clipper at our house. This is a very good thing because after the past three weeks of heat, humidity and rain, it was beginning to look like a jungle out there. 

The WhateverThisIs growing by the steps was oozing over making the Big Doggie scared to come out of the house.
The dreaded lilac had grown up over the windows and the air conditioner again! I love lilacs, but that is not the place for that one; too small a space. 

So we drew straws and I got to be the Hedge Master. Those without opposable thumbs laughed and laughed. I put the new trimmers together. Screws, safety guard and handles were involved and went out Thursday night to tackle the hedge monsters. No electrical cord provided. WTH?!?!? So we piled in the car and went to Farm and Fleet and got a cord. By this time it's dark so the whole deal will have to wait until tomorrow. I vow to get out there early as it's supposed to be hot.

I go out the next morning at 8:00 (out of respect for our neighbors, as I was raring to go at 6:00). On the way to the garage to get the trimmer, I notice that the leaf lettuce has gotten way out of hand, so I cut that and put it in a big bag to take out to the farm. Since it was breakfast time for the animals, I decided to take it out right away. ADD at it's finest.  By the time I get back it's hotter out there but I'm still fairly enthusiastic. I fire up the trimmer and tackle the step-eating shrub. Up one side. Cool! Up the other side. Nice! One long cut across the front and silence. I'd cut my own extension cord. Damn. 

Back in the car and over to Farm and Fleet only to find that they are closed for the 4th. Down to ACE hardware where I find a new cord...for $5 more than they have them at F&F. Damn. Get back home and now it's blazing hot. I plug in the new cord, fire it up and ...nothing. Down to the basement to check the fuse box, flip the switch, back up the stairs and out to the garden and ...nothing. Damn. 

Finally I decide to give up the entire enterprise until later in the afternoon when the sun is on the other side of the house and the garden is shaded. During the afternoon, I try to turn on the downstairs bathroom light and discover that it won't come out so I know I've missed a circuit breaker. Back down to the basement I go and switch it over. 

After supper I go back out and start again.  This time everything goes swimmingly. I remember to lay down the plastic table cloth to catch the clippings. I remember to plug my cord into the outlet BEHIND me so I won't cut it again, and off I go. Although things have been going well, by the time I get to the dreaded lilac,  I'm hot, sweaty and tired and losing enthusiasm fast. I whack away at the bush, whittling it down to a more reasonable size.  I even hack a branch that's about 3/4 inch in diameter and marvel that the trimmers can handle something that big. Then it's time to go around behind and cut the back. I hate that part, there's no room back there, it's right next to my neighbor's fence and  and I can't see what I'm doing but I plunge in anyway. Remember that branch that I, just 30 seconds ago, marveled at? Yep. Impaled myself on it, but good. 

So, to review, now I'm hot, sweaty, tired, injured and TICKED. I start swinging the weed whacker wildly yelling, 'DIE!!!!' until I wear myself out and have to stop. It's quiet. I turn around to see my neighbor standing over me on his doorstep looking concerned. 

"I hate this lilac." I state quietly. 
"I would seem so." He replies before trundling off to his garage.
But despite all of the trials and tribulations, I fought the foliage and aside from one minor flesh wound, I won!


I LOVE the dimension on your tile. Nicely done!
Carmela said…
Very, very beautiful that 3D effect.
Nice tile.
Lori said…
I love the 3D effect.
orange said…
I'd be happy with the 3D effect too - super!
HeidiSue said…
exquisite! It looks like it's floating...so beautiful
CharKat said…
Love the shading! And your post made me laugh...I needed that today.
David Hunter said…
The shading is striking, and your tangle is wonderful. Beautiful work.
Kay said…
Like the 3-D effect. Something I need to learn yet. Beautiful!!!
Devin said…
This is truly wonderful--first just what you did with the tangle and then the 3-d effect.

Where/how can the rest of us learn the 3-d effect?
Nata said…
Great shading and 3D effect! Well done!
Pat said…
I love the 3D effect. Very well done.
Nice effect on your tile. I am glad you won your battle with the lilac. Keep us posted on the war that follows.
Kia said…
The 3D effect is fabulous.

Your hedge clipper story had me in fits of laughter. I too have porch eating plants and a lilac that likes to cover up windows. I've learned however and now I hire someone to do it!
Unknown said…
There's so much dimension in your tile. Great shading!
Yes, the 3D effect is stunning! Glad you won the war :-)
Didisch said…
OMG, how did you do that awesome 3D effect, it really looks like those drawingings where you have to focus your eyes and then suddenly you see the 3D effect. But yours, there is no focus needed, it is right there. I LOVE it1!
Ilse said…
Your tile has so much dimension: it looks great!
Absolutely gorgeous tile with a great 3D effect! Very nicely done!
ledenzer said…
I really love the shading that you did in this tile...it is fabulous!
Akua said…
a zentangle is already a own language.i like your enry for the weekly challenge#175, a lot.but this can not really express what i mean.
Marta said…
I'm jealous of your 3-D effects!!! The petals literally jump off the page!! Very well done! I have to take a lesson from you :)
Anonymous said…
Beautiful tile and line work! I had a good laugh with the story on the Lilac from h---!

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