Diva Challenge: Calgary

This week's Diva Challenge was to do whatever kind of tangle you like but do it in honor of the flood victims in Calgary. I was glad for the challenge because I have only begun to use tangles in this way. I've tangled when I'm bored or want to relax and shut off the mind monkeys, but I've haven't really used them as a meditative or prayer technique until recently. I think of the process the way I do prayer shawls. When I make them, I knit with intent; sending up prayers and healing thoughts to the shawl recipient. That's what I did with this tangle. I turned off the TV, sat quietly in the kitchen and sent out positive energy to the victims of flooding in Calgary and in our own state of Wisconsin. People that have never experienced flooding before are many feet under water. Homes and belongings are ruined. Roads are buried under mud. If you find yourself smack dab in the middle of this misery with soggy sneakers, know that many people are thinking of you ,...