New Tangle Pattern: Whittier

I've been meaning to post this since I came back from Maine at Christmastime.  I love to go to my church, Whittier Congregational in Island Falls, Maine, whenever I'm home. I grew up in the church; was baptised, sang in choir, went to Sunday School, taught Sunday School etc. It's a lovely building with beautiful stained glass in rememberence of some of the founding families of the town.  I love the peaceful feeling I get when I'm nestled in the scrolled wood pews, worn smooth by years of worshipers. Christmas Eve service is my very favorite and I was fortunate enough to attend at this Christmas past.  At the end of the service, we all light wee candles, one from another around the church and sing Silent Night with the lights dimmed. It is so beautiful and really brings home the reason for the season.

This pattern is actually taken from the ceiling tiles there.



Sara said…
I absolutely love it! Are the ceiling tiles the molded tin ones? We have the same traditions at my UCC in Platteville, but a very plain ceiling. Are you going to send the step-out in? I think you should! I haven't seen any tangles like it. Congratulations on the birth of a new pattern! I can't wait to use it tonight!
This is wonderful and fun wonderful piece of art..awesome tangles
susan s
Jill said…
Very nice! I like it a lot! I haven't seen anything
like it. I hope you submit it for "official" Zentangle
Unknown said…
HI molly, got your link for the ZIA Group...great site, love it.
Sue O.
Mum said…
The tiles are awsome. You've really captured them. God bless the old tin ceilings.
crotnem said…
Just finished my atc with your tangle Whittier. Love it ,
Lauralee said…
Thank you! I shared your post on
Artistic Line Designs

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