Diva Challenge #74: Concentric/Eccentric Circle String

This week's  Diva Challenge was very interesting. It called for the 'string' , or penciled guidelines that you draw and then pattern in, to be concentric/eccentric circles. I think the hardest part was drawing the string and sticking to it. It looked ugly and I wanted to try another, but my rule is to keep whatever comes first no matter what. Thus, I give you...well.....er.....this:
Hmmmmm....yeah...I know...WAAAAYYY out of my comfort zone, but it was challenging and that's what it's all about.; stretching and growing. And above all it was fun. That Diva...she sure knows how to throw a party! I can hardly wait for Mondays to come around so that I can see what the new challenge will be!  Thanks again Diva! You ROCK!


Gloria j Zucaro said…
What fun! It looks like a banquet table with all the exotic foods in platters! I love the "astonished" face, too
Unknown said…
I especially like the musical note! Lots of fun in this one.
Cathy said…
Really cool! It does look like platters of food or huge buttons! I love the face too!
Anonymous said…
This is a fun tile. I know what you mean about your comfort zone. I've thrown out 4that I didn't see any hope for. Maybe I should have stuck with one of them.
ledenzer said…
what lovely circles. I am intrigued by the patterns you used and how well they look!
Deb Ammerman said…
marvelously abstract! I see piano keys and lots of fun! Great job! :)
Susan said…
I love your tile and your selection of tangles. Beautiful!
Sue Sharp said…
Love your composition and great choice of tangles! Your shading gives a lot of depth too
Dianne said…
This is really fun, especially the piano keys:) Great work!
Shelly Beauch said…
Full of interesting bits and pieces.
Ritu Dua said…
Very interesting and beautiful work!
Unknown said…
Great tile--it's so fun to look at!
Zachary said…
This makes me smile to look at it - the piano keys especially! Thanks for sharing!
That's one gorgeous tile. Love the mosical notes, and you have some very interesting tangles I don't remember ever seeing. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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