My 'Nzepple Period'
I've been working on this piece for a couple of weeks for the art show at work. I call it 'It's The Little Things' because the entire piece is made up from one little, repeating motif called 'Nzepple' which is a repeating triangle with a bean shape in it. Yesterday while I was scooping up llama poo, I was struck by the fact that the little llama pellets look just like the bean shape in the triangles. Maybe I should have called it 'It's The Little Llama Things'?
The sheet of paper is 19 x 24. I gridded it out into 1/2 inch squares in Sharpie pen.
Then I drew an 'X' in each square and drew the bean shape inside each one.
Once I did that I started outlining circles and coloring them in in my favorite 'melted peacock' color palette.
Circles on top of circles...
Circles over circles. Just lots and lots of circles.
I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. It kind of looks 3-D in person and the photos don't do the colors justice. My friend Brian, framer extraordinaire, is picking it up tomorrow to frame it for the art show. My new idea is to do the same thing, only in reds, oranges and yellows and them fill the background in black. I'll do a small test piece first rather than a big one like this. My next one after that will be curving the grid lines and warping the design around. I've got a million ideas. The possibilities are endless. I may never draw anything other than Nzepple again! Guess I'm going through my Nzepple period! At least my 'Lobster Period' is all over!
And squared objects were involved, too.