This One's for Dale Harriet: King's Landing Photos

 I've been promising these pictures for two months now!  When I was home this summer, Mum and I popped across the border into New Brunswick and went to King's Landing Historical Settlement in Frederickton. This is a living working historical settlement composed of late 1700s to early 1800s homes and businesses  that were moved from all over the province to this location on the bend of the beautiful St. John River.  These pics aren't in order and I have so many it was hard to narrow them.  But these are most representative.

Homestead on the banks of the river.

View across the village common.

Beautiful parlor set in one of the wealthier homes.

 Peddler's Cart

Rug hooking frame set up in a small bedroom

The Saw Mill. 
 One room schoolhouse

Spinning wheel in the kitchen

Grant's General Store (Grant was my maiden name)

Piggies (have to have animals in every post! )
 Horse drawn hearse at the livery. It could be outfitted with wheels or skis for winter.
 Spinning wheel in a beautifully outfitted bedroom.  Embroidered sampler on the wall.

 Pantry filled with crockery

Horse trough in front of the store.

 Almost all homes cook on a hearth. No stoves to speak of-even wood stoves.
Village Geese
Glen, the handsome, blue-eyed cart driver. You can walk all the way down
the other end of the village and he'll give you a lift back.

It's such an idyllic place and every time I go, I like to think that I could live comfortable there.  I've honed quite a few post-apocalyptic skill and all of the homes look so cozy and inviting. Maybe Glen needs a bride?
Hope you enjoyed the pic, DH!


MadCityMike said…
I've visited the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village over near Detroit, MI when I was younger. This makes me think of those experiences.....
I have always thought I'd fit in those days just fine, too. :)
dale-harriet said…
Oh, my dear, THANK YOU! I agree; we could be comfortable there too. What a grand village and what sterling pictures. It's like a little taste, now we'll have to put that on the "next trip East" list for sure!

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