Wonderful Weekend

Got out a bit more this weekend than I have in weekends past. I was beginning to get a wee bit 'o the cabin fever doncha know. I went over the Victor Allen's on Saturday afternoon to knit with Elizabeth, Jen and Linda. Still working on the cable sweater. I have two repeats on the back finished. 4 more to go!  Then just two sleeves, sew it together and I'm done. Estimated time of delivery-November 2016.

On Saturday night, I made cookies in anticipation of lunching with Dale and Mary on Sunday.  Chocolate Chip with Oreos in the middle. Oh, they'll kill you, but what a way to go!  They created a brief Internet sensation when I posted them on Facebook.  I'll post the recipe over on Molly Bee's Kitchen.

I hadn't seen Dale in many moons and missed her terribly.  I packed up the cookies that I hadn't farmed out to neighbors, and went to meet her and sister-Mary, over at Outback Steak house. The fillet and crab cakes were divine, but my soul needed the nourishment of time spent with my Wisconsin 'family' even more. They are both such a delight and I'll not let so much time pass between visits from now on. 

I was so energized after our lunch that I went crock pot shopping.  How exciting is my life?  And now I'm off to test it out with a zippy chicken soup. I am UNSTOPPABLE! How was YOUR weekend?


MadCityMike said…
Glad to see that you are "back on track"....so to speak.
terri browne said…
Those cookies look sinful! You have our address, right? We are wasting away up here in Minnesota and could use some extra calories. ha ha. :)

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