Clearly An Intervention Needs To Be Staged....

This week has been a 'Stop The Madness, For G*d's Sake Stop The Madness'  kind of week on so many fronts...

Governor Kim Jong Walker's megalomaniac  'No Compromise Or Negotiation And If You Don't Agree With My Plan I'll Start Using Extortion' style of non-democratic, political madness. STOP IT!

The Misery for Entertainment's Sake Mongers- Things aren't grim enough in our Capitol right now?  This historical action by the people of Wisconsin isn't newsy enough for you? You have to spread 'riot' news even though there aren't any?  STOP IT!

Snow, Ice, Freezing Rain, More Snow..STOP IT!!! (Note: THREE exclaimation points).

Incessant Whining-You're tired? You're bored? You're uninspired? You chipped a nail? You're mired in your own gloom? Guess what? You're a victim of your own making. STOP IT!

I'm included in the last group myself. I'm feeling a bit tether-less, homeless and at loose ends. Today for the first time, I found myself seriously considering moving back East. Decided to pull myself up by the boot straps and  started steps to decide what I really want to do and the what's involved in actually doing it!
No more useless dithering and  wallowing!



Barb said…
Stop It! Wisconsin can't lose you. What, you would leave us here alone with Kim Jong Walker???!!?? ( Ain't he somethin'!) Blogging way away in Maine would seem so far. Please stay.
MadCityMike said…
It definitely would be Wisconsin's loss, but I certainly understand your maybe wanting to be back in Maine with family. Whatever you decide, you have my support.
terri browne said…
Amen, sister!

Of course we would love to have you move to Minneapolis, but we'd love to have someone to visit in Maine! Mmmm...lobster...
Anonymous said…
Hell-o my dear friend :) Go with what your heart tells you. Your mother and grandmother mean the world to you (as I know). Don't live with regrets for not moving back East. You will thank youself someday. I, personally, could not be that far away from my family. Give it some thought. God Bless. I will keep you in my prayers while you are deciding. No regrets Chick (((hugs)))
Lisa/knitnzu said…
Yes, search your heart and then do what you need to do to make it happen.
Barb said…
I take back my statement about you staying in WI. After last night's proceedings at the capital I wouldn't blame you if you packed up and left this weekend,running back to the welcoming arms of family. I agree with the rest...go with your heart (but continue your wonderful blog).
Elizabeth said…
Doesn't Maine have a nutjob governor now, too?

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