Who You Calling Bald?

Went to Prairie du Sac with Rob and Joey this morning to see the bald eagles. There is a hydro dam up there that keeps the water open and eagles from all over Wisconsin and Minnesota congregate there in the winter to fish. They estimate that there are around 180 birds in the area this January. Normally territorial, they tolerate each others in large numbers in this area in the winter. How lucky am I to be able to see something like this! Absolutely amazing! (Click to make pics bigger...they will be just as poor quality but a different size!)

Swooping in for a fish
Almost got 'im!

Away with the prize

Three eagles out on the island

Roosting in the sun over the dam



Tree for two


Fledgling-His head is not fully white yet

Pine Aircraft Carrier


Cindy G said…
Wow! That was worth going out in the cold.
terri browne said…
Beautiful! I've never seen more than one or two at the same time - that would be amazing! Definitely worth the early rise.
YarnThrower said…
Nice photos! Interesting that they have figured out they must tolerate each other living so closely together in winter...

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