Puttering and Socializing

It's been a busy week and looks to be melting right into another, even busier week.  Last Tuesday I went to see The King's Speech with Paul Wesselmann, of The Ripples Project fame.  Paul  is an amazing speaker who travels the country, visiting schools and business, giving seminars on exploring your own potential and the power of positivity. He came to speak at my company last year and we've been Facebook friends for a while, so when he put out a general FB invitation to join him down at Sundance to see the film, I accepted. I don't know who was more surprised, me or him. I'm not in the habit of accepting invitations from 'strangers' and he didn't think anyone would say 'yes'.  Worked out for the best; Paul is delightful company, the film was WONDERFUL, we had a great time and now he's not a stranger!  Seriously, if you haven't seen the King's Speech, I can't extol it's virtues strongly enough.  And, BONUS, it DOES star my imaginary husband. Colin Firth. [This week. I know. I keep the imaginary divorce courts pretty busy on my imaginary planet.I'm fickle that way.] It was such a poignant film made even more so when I came back and watched a clip of the real King George VI speak on the Internet. Such a heartbreaking struggle.

Saturday found me with the Last Saturday Knitters for the first time since November. Due to travel and illness, I have missed all of the 'official' knitting events since mid-December. I've been getting antsy so friend-Jen took pity on me and sponsored an afternoon knit a couple of weeks back for which I am eternally grateful.  I often send a big thank you Up for my knitpeeps.  I am fortunate to be in with a great group of women who have been there for me through it all. They'll never know how much I count on them.Yesterday with the girls restored my flagging soul.  Those ladies know how to chase the winter blahs away.  How lucky am I?

Saturday also found me at the Vet again with Mr. Ben.  He blew out his good knee. Tolja. I have to call the specialist tomorrow morning and schedule another surgery.  Not looking forward to that, especially since rumor has it, we have a blizzard coming anywhere from Monday through Wednesday.  Just like his last surgery, he will come home with what is essentially a towel with handles on either side which winds under his tummy so that I can help support his eighty-pound rhino butt when he goes out to potty those first few days. I remember doing this last time when the grass was green and it wasn't an easy process.  I can't imagine doing it in the wind and snow. I may wait a couple of days until the worst has passed to take him in for the surgery itself. Won't know until I talk to the vet tomorrow. But the 'good news', the vet assures me, is that 'once this is fixed, there's nothing else to break.' (HELLO! Have you met us?!?!? ) I'm just hoping that once he's finally the Six Million Dollar Dog, he's make that cool noise Steve Austin made when he ran, nun-nun-nun-nun-nun-nun-nun.  And that he'll run in slow motion like Steve.  He'll definitely be easier to catch!

Went to breakfast with friends Scott and Michael this morning and solved the problems of the world over blue corn pancakes at Gallups in Verona. They have a small but mighty and not to be missed breakfast menu and I've been there several time. Ben thought  the best part was when I brought an entire piece of bacon home just for him. Being on the injured reserve list does have it's perks.

This winter I've been cooking a couple of different casseroles, stews, etc. on Sunday evenings and reheating through the week. It really has been cutting down on fast food consumption and just takes a little extra planning. Off to steam up some veggies and put a pork chop dish in the oven. Hope you all are staying warm and sane this dark, cold, crazy-making winter! Hang in there!Tuesday is February! We're in the home stretch!


YarnThrower said…
One of these months I'll be back at Last Saturday Knitting, too. So glad you were able to re-connect! I love it when I have a good excuse to be indoors crafting and knitting my little heart out, so I'm not sick of winter.....yet..... Hard to believe that February begins on Tuesday...
MadCityMike said…
Poor Ben...but the silver lining is that he has YOU! I think he gets as good as he gives.....both of you are pretty tender hearted (except to furry little chew toys....Ben! not you!). :) Good luck with everything coming up!
Barb said…
Goodness, enough is enough, right? Poor Ben. I agree with Mike, it is a good thing Ben has you. Me?..I am nursing my daughter's cat, Diddy. (Story and pictures on my blog.) He is doing so much better, but then (on my watch of all things) he cut himself and now has a large open wound and a daisy collar. I don't know how he did it. Maybe he and Ben can "talk" and console each other about their boo-boos.

Yay....another storm. :O(
terri browne said…
Is that the pork chop dish with the stuffing and the apples? Yuuummmmmmm!!!!

I hope Ben's surgery goes well, and that the two of you are done with medical procedures for a long while!
Cindy G said…
Sending positive thoughts for Ben and you. It really was lovely to be with the group again on Sat.
Linda L. said…
"They'll never know how much I count on them.Yesterday with the girls restored my flagging soul. Those ladies know how to chase the winter blahs away."

You do the same for us, M'Dear. {{hugs}}
Lisa/knitnzu said…
ohman, hope the pottying thing works out. we had to carry our old border collie, and it was good she wasn't a bigger dog because, well, we wouldn't have been able to. big hugs! (we're getting the first of 2 snowstorms, tomorrow's is supposed to bury us, we'lll see)

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