Christmas Visit to Maine: A Photo Essay

Snow on trees... Frosty Wreaths...
Birdy's dine...
Mountain mine...
Big day's here....Family dear...
Hearts fulfilled...

Thaw winter's chill...

When day is done...

The deer will come...

A twin surprise...

For kitty eyes...

Another Christmas come and gone.
A brand new year to carry on.

May yours' be filled with love and mirth,
G*d bless us all and Peace on Earth !


Barb said…
That was a lovely post. Good thing Bentley was still in WI or might have stayed in Maine. (?)
Cindy G said…
That is beautiful! The surroundings and the verse.
MadCityMike said…
Happy New Year to you as well, Ms. Molly Bee! I look forward to reading your many interesting posts and getting to see you occasionally, too!
Sus said…
So glad you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year!
Mum said…
How beautiful...words and pictures. How wonderful it is to see my surroundings through another person's eyes. But then, I've always thought of this place as "a little piece of heaven".

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