Keepin' On Keeping On and Cry for Coronet Help!

This week has been very difficult; the first one alone in my own apartment in 18 years. I took the week off to 'settle in' and acclimate Ben, but that may have been a mistake since it gave me extra alone time to think and sob. I'm looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow. Nothing distracts you from real life like a dozen wacky scientists to take care of!

Friend Anne and I went to the Jefferson Sheep and Wool festival. It was pretty difficult as I had always attended with Mr. Bee and last year's purchase of my spinning wheel, Mabel is such a strong memory for me. I was a bit verklempt, except for watching that sheep shearing guy. I have to admit, all of those arm muscles did distract me for a bit. Boy Howdy!

I didn't buy ANYTHING for me; not roving, no books, no yarn. That should tell you how off my feed I am! I did get a backseat extender and seat belt for Ben at the border collie shop though, and used them when I took him to the dog park yesterday. I feel a lot better about transporting him now that he's safely buckeled in rather than flailing around the back seat like a wild man.

Friend Donna came over for a visit and brought me a beautiful bouquet. I only have one photo and it's truly crappy, but I'll share it anyway. You can't see it, but there are beads woven in amongst the tall grasses. I'd never seen anything like that before. Those guys at The House Of Flowers in Verona do a great job! (Yes, I did that Hardanger doily it's sitting on my very own self, Thank You Very Much! )

I am still pumping out the charity knitting. I am working on the Coronet Hat from Knitty right now. If you have successfully picked up the stitches from the cable band, we need to talk cause I've ruined one cable band trying. It tells you to knit the cable band and graft it together and then turn it inside out, and with the wrong side facing you, pick up 80 something stitches around the edge. Then purl a row, then straight stitch the hat part, then decrease, etc. etc. It never mentions when to turn the thing back right side to, and for that matter, if you' ve picked up stitches on the wrong side, and you DO turn it back over, your working yarn is now in the wrong hand. Any and all assistance would be appreciated. I'm not an advanced enough knitter and I don't have the gift of being able to imagine spacial relationships (plus, see 'verklempt' above) so I am just not getting it. I'm almost done with the second cable band and am dead set on ruining that one too if I don't figure it out! What am I missing. Any suggestions?

(A few minutes later....) Der! Typing that long winded tirade out must have kick started my brain, because I figured it out! The brim turns UP!!! Now I get it!


Cindy G said…
Yay for figuring the hat out!

I'm so sorry it's been a rotten week. It probably is better to keep busy with work.

Hugs, and wishes for a better week to come.
Elizabeth said…
The flowers are lovely! As is your doily.

I'm glad you figured out your Coronet Quandary.

I didn't go to Sheep & Wool this year because I shouldn't buy anything and I know I would.

Chin up, honey. After you slog along a while, you'll start to recover. (It's that nasty 4 letter word: t-i-m-e.)
Kitty Mommy said…
I would have to agree with you regarding Mr. Shearing Dude. For the kids' sake, I pretended that we were sitting and watching for a long time because it was so darn educational and interesting.

Sorry to hear you had such a rotten weekend...they'll get better.

Too bad we didn't bump into you at S&W...a little Beeb flirting and Bug story-telling would have gone a long way!
knitnzu said…
Well hey, glad you figured out the Corona problem! Sometimes I think it takes talking about it to understand what you're not getting (not just you... me too!). I thought the Coronoa help would involve some Mexican beer! A good sob is sometimes what you need. You're probably standing at that place where you're on the edge of a precipice, looking out over the void, which is just a huge gaping maw kind of mocking you? (Been there! Left there!). You'll leave there too. I think when you do things you like to do that have strong Mr. associations, you need to really do it different. Not sure quite how, there's always some melancholy at least around these things. Maybe you should have a couple of cocktails with a girlfriend before you go?? Or package them up and take them with you! I sent you a little package... it should be there midweek, so watch for it ok?
peaknits said…
I'm sorry the week has been tough - I am also sorry I missed you at S & W. I need to make myself go to the Knit Night at Sow so I can meet you for real:) Hope this week is better! Take care!
YarnThrower said…
You made it through your first week, one day at a time. You are a strong and awesome lady!

(I commend you for even getting out of the house! Not sure I could do that in the same situation... What you are going through totally sucks.)

One thing is sure -- things change, so it won't always be like this. This totally sucks. Did I say that already? My prayer for you is for strength and hope! Also, don't forget that you are amazing!

I almost went to Sheep & Wool on Friday, but then I remembered I'm a poor student and I don't have any time beyond studying, so I kept my distance to avoid temptation. Watch for me there in 2012. By then, you'll barely remember what's-his-face...

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