Hunting Wabbits...I Mean Gwound Skwirrles
Behold the wiley thirteen-stripped ground squirrel. Not much to look at but able to dig deep holes and move mountains of dirt around the lawn with the greatest of ease. Our live trap him and move his furry butt to a rodent recreation area in the country somewhere. His evade arrest at all cost...and to continue trash our lawn.
I've been researching websites on how to capture the little critters. Most sites advocate rat traps but you know me....can't hurt the little live traps it is. We tried to live trap him last fall, but he hated everything we offered him-nuts, berries, bugs, grasses, grains, seeds...typical ground squirrel fodder. So I look on various websites and find that they are most tempted by peanut butter..who knew? So if it doesn't rain tonight (don't want him to be stuck in the trap in the rain-how sad am I?) I'll thow a spoonful of Skippy out there and give it a try. The biggest challenge to the whole ordeal will be when Scott has to talk me out of keeping him as a pet. Won't be easy. I've already named him Angus.