Weird Start To The Day

I'll admit it.  I wore my favorite pair of cranky pants yesterday for no particular reason. All. Day. Long. Actually I wore the entire ensemble-bad-mood shirt, intolerant underwear...the whole shebang, right down to the short-tempered socks and hissy-fit shoes.  Things went wrong all day. I had no sense of humor about it. I got through it by sheer will and determination, (and a healthy dose of irritating other people) and then went home, curled up in the fetal position and watched the Smithsonian Channel until it was time to go to bed. 

So when I got up this morning, I was determined to  wear a different outfit and see where the day took me. If you look for amusement, you will never cease to find it. I went to Hyvee to get breakfast for my department. I picked up a fruit tray and four clam-shell packages of sticky buns and went to check out. I was the only one in line. I put the bags in my little cart to leave and the bag boy says, 'Don't forget this!' and hands me another bag which I add to the others. I get to work and start unloading the grocery bags; fruit tray-check, sticky buns x 4-check, doughnut puffs x 2...huh?...pecan rolls x 1...whatta?

I call HyVee to tell that that apparently it is prime breeding season for their bakery goods and that I arrived at work with three offspring I hadn't paid for. The guy laughed and said that they knew. The lady to whom the extras belonged had  let them know she was missing them. I told him that while I couldn't bring them right back, I would be in at lunch to pay for them and he said that it was their mistake and to enjoy them on Hyvee! Score! My kids were agog when they saw the plethora of sweets on the table when they got in. 

I settled in to work when I heard cooing, turned around and this fancy dancer was on my window sill. I can't work under those conditions! I watched for 5 minutes while he apparently worked out his Magic Mike II audition number.

Work it!


Shake your tail feathers!

Get down!

 Get back up!

All the while cooing his little heart out. I would have cast him. Finally he flew off to look for a ledge that belonged to a lady who actually had dollar bills and I was able to get back to work. 

It's not even 9AM! I wonder what the rest of the day will bring?


Sometimes you're the windshield...sometimes you're the bug...or maybe in this case, sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes your the pigeon...watcher!

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