Review of Bijou Zentangle Tiles.

I must admit when I first heard that the good Zentangle folks had put out a new  2" x 2" sized tile, my first thought was, 'Well what would you do with that? That's too small to do anything with!' So listen up, People, because this doesn't happen very often....I WAS WRONG. That's right. I said it. 

I won a tin of tiles and they were kicking around and kicking around. On Saturday, the perfect storm brewed. I hurt my back which slowed me down considerably. Whilst on the coach, snuggling with my bag of frozen corn, I had time to watch a multi-part video AnnDoodles posted to Facebook. I encourage you to go to her blog and look at her work; so much detail! The videos were  time lapsed- showing how she makes her beautiful work. 

I decided to give it a shot, but just a little one and dug out the Bijou tiles. I figured I'd give it at least 2 inches and see how I liked it. ME LIKEY! VERY MUCH! Both the tiles and the technique!

This was my first one, based on Ann Doodles technique.

Closely followed by these three. (I call the top one 'Ragtime and Ruffles'. That's more of a 'traditional  style' Zentangle).

Then yesterday, I pumped out 4 more. If you look carefully, you will see the tile's namesake, Bijou' the snail, in the lower right corner of the lower right tile. 

I was amazed at how much you could fit on a tile. It took me nearly as long to do one of these as it takes me to do a regulation 3.5" by 3.5" tile! You can pack a lot of inky goodness on there! So, I apologize for dissing you, Bijou, before I really got to know you, but I can tell we're going to be best friends for a long time! 


bmlilith60 said…
I'm glad you gave Bijou a chance. Funny how being incapacitated can lead you to something you thought wasn't your cup of tea.
Mum said…
Not only did I see Bijou, I can make out a grasshopper on one of the tiles. I'm sure it's not intentional but non the less he's there! Can anyone else see it?

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