Diva Challege: Seton and INKtober 2014 Wrap Up

Over at The Diva's Place little Artoo is having some surgery, so Laura has put a crack team of guest Zentanglers on the job of putting up the challenge every week for the next month. This week's was by Chris LaTourneau and was to use the tangle 'Seton'.  It's a new one to me but I enjoyed it. I made it into an RAZ  and added it to my stash.
Seton is the pattern with the ring toward the right hand side. 

One of the objectives of INKtober was to  study the evolution of your art over a month and see if you can see progress, patterns or evolution in your work. I decided to put thumbnails of  all of the pieces together to make this a little easier.  Upon review of the lot of them, I have come to the conclusion that I am a schizophrenic with more personalities than Sybil, am on crack, and quite possibly may have been abducted and altered by aliens. 

After the first week I consiously tried to not to use the lower left to upper right arc in each piece. The second week was a wash because I was in a fog of cold medicine. The rest of the weeks have some 'OK' pieces and some 'meh' ones but I can't see any discernible pattern, growth or evolution. 

What I did gain out of  doing a piece every day is that I don't want to HAVE to do a piece every day. Weird, because before I HAD to I WANTED to. Just like anything else, it's not as fun if you HAVE to do it.  

It was a great challenge though and I think by next INKtober, I'll probably be ready to tackle it again. In the meantime, I have a pretty good stash of RAZ to hide out and about!


All are so very well done, compliments!!
Kia said…
lovely artwork - I really like how you have curved seton. You inktober stuff is very impressive - I know what you mean though about having to create - it's difficult to create on command and as you say, not as much fun.
Megan Hitchens said…
One month is too short. Compare these to next Inktober to see how far you have come in a year, or what has shifted in how you work. I like the Seton tile. Good response to the challenge. still trying to get my head around it
Mum said…
What a great creative month you had. Very impressive.
Duchess said…
I'm a lower left to upper right curver, too. We should form a support group! LLTUR-ers Anonymous. I think it shows an amazing creativity that all your tiles look different. You have a great eye for what tangles work together. Loved your Seton tile selections. Now give yourself a rest and recharge.
hesedetang * said…
Your "BREATHE" tile caught my eye :) Everything is so pretty and gorgeous it is really amazing to go through them all :)
Nata said…
A great seton challenge and many a beautiful tiles in your "RAZ"
But what on earth are "RAZs"?
I like how the tiles are all so unique. I love the variety in them. And the masterful shading everywhere.
I loved your work...or should i say "play"! But what I really loved was your insights on the process....I laughed and laughed...too true when it comes to disciplining the process it suddenly brings back memories of doing the daily 'chores'. Look forward to hearing what your next approach may be.

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