Sunday Walk in Belleville

Sunday morning found me breakfasting with brothers-from-other-mothers, Scott and Michael. We were kind of bummed because the weather was a little crappy and we had wanted to go on a trip to Baraboo.  We settled for a walk around the park in Belleville. I can't get enough of that place. It really soothes my soul. You know me and water!

Such a beautiful little park. And usually not crowded at all, even when it's hot. 
The water was quite high.  It usually doesn't flow over this part of the dam.

Or these rocks. It makes such a soothing sound. 

Scott is always on the lookout for photo ops with their beautiful dog, Duchess. Sometime there are bugs in the posing process that need to be worked out.

One out of two facing in the right direction isn't bad.

Almost there!

Ta Da!  Gorgeous! Working it for the camera!

I am so blessed to have such peaceful places to get centered again and such  a wonderful Wisconsin family of friends in addition to my Maine family. Such undeserved riches!


bmlilith60 said…
That looks like a very peaceful place to visit. Love the pictures of the water and the lovely dog shoot photos. Thank you for sharing.

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