Weekly Challenge #114: "You with the Stars in your Eyes - Stars v 2.0"

Boy did this week's Diva Challenge come just in time! It's been an extremely challenging but exciting couple of weeks at Molly Bees Attic; a roller coaster and a rocket ship ride all rolled into one. I looked forward to sitting down to Laura's challenge all weekend and was thrilled to see that the theme was 'stars'.

My initial tile is my official 'entry'.  I love, love, love, to draw the sky pattern at the top of the tile. I use it a lot. I could watch the stars all night long but, living in the city now, I can't see them as well as I could when I was a wee lassie in the wilds of Northern Maine where they crammed into every corner of the night sky.  Of course, as is the way of life, I took them for granted then. This pattern always reminds me of the skies back home.

I did this one a while ago in my art journal. It contains my favorite 'star saying' so I thought I'd include it:

 'I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the starts makes me dream."

Since I finished my entry tile right away, I decided to do another. I was watching the news while drawing. Never do that! It takes away all of the restorative properties of relaxing with a Zentangle tile. Especially when some moron sets a couple of bombs at the Boston Marathon finish line. Don't even get me started. I'm not giving the perpetrator(s) one second of the time, media and attention they demand. I feel exactly the same way Patton Oswald*, does.  Suffice to say, I have many friends in the Boston area as well as friends and aquaintances that were running the race and was relieved to hear that everyone was miraculously safe and uninjured at the end of the day.
Thanks again. Laura for another fabulous challenge both in theme and timing! You rock!


*This probably violates all kinds of copyright laws, but I skimmed this from a newspaper article who skimmed it from his public Facebook account so I'm posting it here. Patton, if you see this and are ticked, contact me and I'll remove it:

"I remember, when 9/11 went down, my reaction was, 'Well, I've had it with humanity.' "But I was wrong. I don't know what's going to be revealed to be behind all of this mayhem. One human insect or a poisonous mass of broken sociopaths."
 "But here's what I DO know. If it's one person or a HUNDRED people, that number is not even a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the population on this planet. You watch the videos of the carnage and there are people running TOWARDS the destruction to help out."
-Patton Oswald.


ledenzer said…
The stars would all enjoy the glory of your ZIAs!
These are gorgeous, I'm especially taken with your calendar additions!
kelly w said…
I LOVE the window sky tangle... dream on!
Unknown said…
like them all but the complexity of the second one is amazing.
Love your stars, my favorite is the calendar one.
Karen said…
I love the windows to the stars.
Beautiful work. Beautiful sentiments.
Tangle Bright said…
Love all of your tiles and your spirit. Nice work!

Jacque Solomon
Love your window to the stars.

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