Amanda Day 3013

This week's Diva Challenge was to create a tangle to do with Earth Day (endearingly re-dubbed 'Amanda Day' last year by Laura's adorable son, Chewie ). Since time is of the essence these days, I decided to just doodle something quickly in my calendar and call it good.

 However, as is usually the case when time is of the essence, a 10 minute doodle didn't have the restorative properties needed to calm the mind monkeys lately, so before I knew it, I was shirking all responsibility and knee-deep in a tangle WITH COLOR! When I go off the rails, I really go off the rails!

I just love the natural world around us so much that I couldn't put those feelings into just black and white.   And wouldn't you know, once I had finished, I had renewed energy to finish up the chores I had waiting for me. You're done it again, Laura! Thanks for the great challenge!


Kitty Mommy said…
~swoon~ *thud* (I might hate you a little bit right now)
ledenzer said…
You zendala could be a pieced quilt! The design is fabulous and I love the bold coloring!
Karen said…
Love the colour and composition!
Michelle said…
Wouldn't that make a great (big) button or t-shirt design? Yes, it would! I think you need a Cafe Press account so those of us who want to order something with your lovely creations on it, COULD.
Really like the Zendala that you created. The combination of tangles and colors are really an eye popper.
A great zendala with beautiful, bold colors.
Shelly Beauch said…
Great energy! great colour!
Claire Warner said…
Loving all of these Zentangles, but especially your colourful Zendala. Wonderful!
That would sell on a bag or t-shirt.

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