Weekly Challenge #112: UMT v. XV "Tuxedo"

This week's Diva Challenge was to use the tangle 'Tuxedo' by the amazing Lee Ann. It's a hard one to keep symmetrical so mine is all wonky, but it is one I never used before so it was fun to try:

In honor of April Fools' Day yesterday I made a treat for my dept. I put a bunch of these:

on a plate, covered it with tin foil and put a post it note on top that said 'Brownies'. Coworkers didn't think it was funny and became suspicious that maybe I had done something to the coffee TOO.  I'm not THAT crazy. Messing with the coffee is a suicide mission. I brought in real treats after lunch to appease them and I'm was STILL suspect for the rest of the day. Heh. Heh. Heh. Operation 'April Fool' successful!


Eden said…
nice use of Tuxedo and an excellent April fools joke! I will have to remember that one to use on my kids!
Carmela said…
Beautiful done. I like your combination of paterns together with Tuxedo. Nice.
ledenzer said…
I love your post! April fools day is an important day for me...not because I can fool someone, though I have at times, but because believe it or not my parents chose it for their wedding day. It was a couple of years after WWII and they were engaged on the first date....New Years Eve, it lasted and they were as in love when my mom passed away as when they wed. I am sorry that wasn't anything to do with your tangling...I was carried away! I love what you have done with tuxedo and I am glad others see it better than it ever intended to be!
Ellen Wolters said…
Very clever joke! like your tile alot!
Anonymous said…
Really beautiful tile. Love your tuxedo, and your sanibelle!
Your tile is very nice, I love the shading too.
Chrissie said…
Lovely tangles to go with Tuxedo, it makes a nice tile.
Dayna said…
I love the swirlies in your Tuxedo. And the "brown e's"=brilliant. I might file that one away.
Like your use of tuxedo and your orbs.

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