Yummy Whoopie Pies, no? Actually...no. I didn't think so anyway, but Ben sure did. These are tiny dog treats that Mum found on her foray to the coast of Maine this summah! Ain't they cunnin, Deah?? Ben consumed them too quickly to appreciate their cuteness but he gave them two paws up for 'hazzing flavor'! In keeping with the' cookies for animals' theme, I made some Camelid Cookies for Llamas/Alpaca last weekend. Shredded zucchini, oatmeal, wheat flour, salt and a dash of molasses. Yum-NOT! They were only slightly more appetizing looking when they came out of the oven, but with those ingredients I though the llamas would love them. Not so much. They turned up their llama-ly noses and went back to munching the stinging nettles and thistles in the pasture. They preferred the prickly texture and toxic taste of prairie weeds to the rubbery concoctions that I baked for them with so much love. Now THAT's an insult! I'll take them to the barn and ...