Mish Mash

My 1,000 mph life hit a small roadblock in the form of an ear infection that gave me a case of vertigo that dropped me like a Southern belle with the vapors last week. I'm so far behind on my blogging that I no longer know what happened when but I'll plop it all down here and let you sort it out.

I got a mysterious email message from an address I didn't recognize one day. It said only, "Tardis at Westfield Comics." Nothing else. Now when one receives such a message, it can only mean one thing...THE FINORKIN TARDIS IS DOWN AT WESTFIELD COMICS!!!! Sure enough, The Doctor had parked her right out front!  I went for a spin. 1934 was lovely.
My twin sister, Mary had sent the mysterious message. She took a spin too!

This time traveling only added to my timeline confusion, so i couldn't tell you when I actually finished this pair of socks, but it was sometime in the last two weeks and here they are. They're knit from a Plymouth yarn that I picked up at Yarn, Glass and More in Presque Isle, Maine. I hadn't seen a colorway quite like it and they knit up like a dream. [Note to self: Go back in time and find out what you did with the other sock blocker...how does one lose ONE sock blocker?]

 Friend Jen and I went on a Girl's Day Out shopping excursion to Chicago's Miracle Mile. A bus from a local travel agency took us down and dropped us off on Michigan Ave. supposing that we would shop 'til we dropped at Tiffanie's, Prada and Harry Winston.  All of the other ladies on the bus were giddy with anticipation.  Once we landed, despite the 40 mph winds and driving bitter cold rain, Jen and I broke from the herd and headed to the beach.  We're not much for shopping.  We just tagged along to see what other trouble we could get into.  As far as I'm concerned a day in this weather on the beach is better than any day trying on Jimmy Choos and getting facials! Don't let that get out or they'll take away our 'Girl Cards'.
Lake Michigan was really rockin' and rollin'. We only had one 'incident' when we were nearly washed out to sea!  And it turns out getting your skin blasted with beach sand is way more inexpensive than a spa.

We went to Navy Pier and walked the entire length. What a cool place-especially the stained glass and mosaic museum.

Harbor Light
Cruise boat
Jen has three kidlets so we went to the  Lego Store to appease them for having to endure an entire day without Mommy.  The Lego sculptures were magnificent. I wonder if they've noticed that I took T-Rex's left bicuspid yet?

 This guy is sitting in the lobby outside the store. Love the bird poop on his shoulder...just like a real statue.

 We created madness and mayhem around the entire city and still managed to make it back to the rendezvous point in time to catch the bus home. The other ladies were laden down with packages and they eyed my empty hands suspiciously.  Jen at least had the Lego bag so she was less suspect.  I just said that I bought so much that I had my stuff shipped home. They seemed OK with that. My 'Girl Card' is safe for now.

What have you been doing?


Lisa/knitnzu said…
Whoa!!! Way cool... the TARDIS and the Lego! Oh, and of course YOU!
Kitty Mommy said…
But, but, but... you left out the part about the StayPuft marshmallow man!!! ;o)
MadCityMike said…
Glad that you're back to blogging AND that you are now feeling better!
Michelle said…
Entertaining as always, my dear! I love Plymouth DK Sock yarn; I've knit two pairs from the self-patterning stuff and have skeins to do two more pair. Loved the Lake Michigan beach shots; if I had to live inland, being next to an ocean-like lake would make up for it!
terri browne said…
Wow, looks like a fun trip to Chicago! You hit some great highlights and had a much more budget-friendly trip than the ladies that spent the day on Michigan Ave!

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