Halloween Redux

Nothing like getting your Halloween post out a week late! I finally came down off the sugar buzz today and realized that I hadn't posted in a while. Shame on me because around these parts, we take Halloween very, VERY seriously. Here are just a few of my friends (dressed as their alter egos)...

The Queen of Hearts
Snow White

The Situation and Snookie

Rob, Joey and I got a jump on the holiday by carving our pumpkins earlier in the week. Then I spent Halloween day making finger food for my office party on Monday.

We had a costume contest ...

Witch, Emo Roker, Tommy Lee, Mad Scientist and yours truly dressed as a Tropical Depression (That's a bottle of Prozac I have in my hand).

You know how brave ol' Ben is; here's a picture of him and Sheldon watching the Trick Or Treaters from the safety of their own nest.
But at least he's in costume. I recognize a 'Mr. Depressed Because All Of The Kids, Candy, Pats, and Fun Are On The Other Side Of The Sliding Glass Door and I'm Inside' when I see one.
Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!


dale-harriet said…
At my age I'm not sure laughing this hard so early in the morning is good for m.....oh heck, sure it is. I know some clever people, my MollyBee; you, however, are at the head of the parade (high-stepping with a long baton)!
Cindy G said…
Oh, those are wonderful fun. I think Snow White with her little bird is my favorite.
Barb said…
I read your post and it wasn't until I was doing dishes, about an hour later, that I thought, "OH, "tropical depression", "Prozac". Snort....I am so slow! :o) Great get-up for Halloween.
terri browne said…
Wow, impressive costumes! Yours is very creative...and hilarious!
Jamie Ghione said…
Ooh, I love your tropical depression costume. I have to steal it this year :)

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