Counting My Many Blessings

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.

It turns what we have into enough, and more.

It turns denial into acceptance,

...chaos to order, confusion to clarity.

It can turn a meal into a feast,

a house into a home,

a stranger into a friend.

Gratitude makes sense of our past,

brings peace for today and

creates a vision for tomorrow.

-Melody Beattie


terri browne said…
We are thankful for you Melinda! Happy Thanksgiving!
dale-harriet said…
Perfection! You're a magician: turned a potentially bummer moment into a delightful celebration! (Is it wrong to have Nantucket Pie for breakfast? oh wait, I'm probably not going to wait for the answer anyway)
Mum said…
I'd like to add one more to the list of people who are thankful for you being you. I'm so proud to call you my daughter.
Cindy G said…
A lovely true thought. Thanks!

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