Fabulously Funny Friends

My friends have the greatest sense of humor. I told Friend-Gail, who works in a church in North Carolina, about the new car I bought. I told her that it wasn't exactly the one I wanted because it has a sunroof and I didn't want one. She told me, tongue in cheek, that I HAD to have one and that all the folks down south call them "The Rapture Roof". I LOVE that! The Rapture Roof comes in handy when the Rapture comes and God sucks you back up to Heaven. It will be a smoother transition than beating your head against your car roof like a moth at the screen door I reckon.

I thought that that was so cute, that I told the story to Friend-Jen. She thought it was funny too but then explained that she wouldn't need one. She has been honing her skills for the Post Apocalypse Communes that are bound to spring up. She knows how to knit and spin. Now she's set her sights on canning garden veggies! With credentials like that, she'll be a shoe-in for the Commune of her choice! Way to go, Jen!

It's stuff like this that's getting me though right now. It's the little things... I have the greatest friends ever!


Mel said…
I particularly love the snarky bumper sticker you can find on heathen vehicles down south that read, "In the event of the Rapture, can I have your car?"
YarnThrower said…
I've been thinking about you! I hope that your transition back to work this week is going smoothly, and that your leg is tolerating things well and continuing to improve...

Nice car!
YarnThrower said…
P.S. We're going to examine the gastrocnemius muscle in lab on Friday, so I'll be able to see the area in which you had your surgery. (More than you wanted to know? Probably! :-) Anything in particular you want me to pay particularly close attention to in that area?
MadCityMike said…
Happy new car!
If you have time, look at this post.....it IS pretty funny. I found myself laughing out loud! :)


Enjoy! :)
Kitty Mommy said…
Hey, if you're willing to make good on your offer to give my kids gum and teach them to swear, I'll save you a bunk in my commune!
Molly Bee said…

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