Christmas Eve in Crystal Maine

I can't believe how fast the time is going! We're almost at the end of our stay and it seems like we only just got here. We went Christmas shopping an hour up-country in Presque Isle on Saturday. Got to meet my Mum's school chum, Lovely G., her husband, Handsome D. and Delightful Daughter, M. They have built a fantastic home on the side of a hill that overlooks the fields, farms and forests for miles and miles and miles. It's an absolutely magnificent view. I think Lovely G. and I are twins separated at birth when it comes to crafting, although she outclasses me by miles. She has a beautiful quilt room and several of her pieces were available for me to drool over as well as the most gorgeous stained glass cabinet doors and window hangings I have ever seen. I think we could have chatted for two days straight without taking a breath!

We went to Marden's in Presque Isle among other places. If you don't live here and don't know about Marden's, you're lucky. It kills me to go back to the Midwest and pay regular price for things when I know I can get them at Marden's for half that. My latest treasure from there are fur-lined Croc shoes in hot pink! $6.99 Deah!

We saw two bald eagles in a white pine on the way up north and I have been having a great time watching all of the birds in the back yard here at Mum's. This morning, we had a new guy, a snow bunting. He was cute as could be but it's unusual for them to be alone and not in a huge flock so I was worried, but he seems to be gone now, so I hope he found his buds. I went out to fill the feeders for the first time yesterday and had a Tippi Hedren moment when the chickadees swarmed me, but I survived, despite the lack of a conveniently placed phone booth to hide in. Rumor has it that there are pine grosbeaks around but I haven't seen them yet. I think they fall into the same category as the herd of deer that are supposed to be in Mum's back yard all the time: invisible. They leave tracks and poop all over, new stuff every time we look out, but I haven't seen them once. They are obviously the rare and elusive invisible County deer. I'll keep my eye open for them this evening when I'm watching for Santa! Merry Christmas Eve everyone!


knitnzu said…
Even right heah in the big city of Augusta we have those deahs. DH said I had to go check out the evidence of gigantic prehistoric squirrels...meaning deer poop and tracks behind the yard. Reny's is another local treasure! Or oddity, however you want to look at it.
Elizabeth said…
There were albino deer in upstate NY, on the grounds of the Seneca Army Depot, so safe from hunters and forced to inbreed. Maybe your mom's deer are albino, too, and just blend in with all the snow?

Sounds like you're having a great time. Any chance we'll see you at Last Saturday Knitting this month?
dale-harriet said…
Aww, Presque Isle...think of your friends here in Four Lakes while you're leaving eyeprints all over the wonders! I hope you're taking pictures - bring 'em to the Ear, please, I'll buy you a cuppa if I can see them, please? Please? {grin} We should have an "I'll Tell Mine, You Tell Yours" session, all of us, one day soon! Come home safe, see you soon.

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