
I've been spending every free moment studying Zentangle materials for my CZT class at the end of October. I've been practicing the art and method Zentangle for about 8 years now, but I have only been doing what I enjoy so it's time to learn, or at least become familiar with, all of the things I haven't tried. If my company is being so generous with  their money, time, and faith-sending me to class, the least I can do is be prepared!

So, I had seen the term 'Zenbuttons' bantered around but hadn't really investigated them. There is a section in the Zen Primer that talks about reticula and Zenbuttons stem from that, so I thought I ought to at least try it. What I saw online didn't grab me that much but I decided to do at least 5 so I could get the hang of it.

The first one I tried was with purple and black on a tan tile. It went OK but I wasn't thrilled with the process or the outcome. My outside circle was wonky, the highlighting was weak, and it just kind of sat there overall. 

So I went back to the drawing board. (Pun intended.) I looked at the instructions and then at the first tile and decided all of the things I wanted to change with the second one. I used blue and black on a tan tile and put a Zengem in the middle. I like that one a little better but it still didn't pop for me.

For the third one, I decided to make more bands and spaces for the reticula to make it a little less clunky, stayed away from the strictly monochromatic colors and upped my white highlight to make it 'shinier'.

This is what it looked like before shading:

 I was amazed at what a difference a little bit of graphite and white chalk could make. Finally, one I was happy with.

 I guess the thing that I am most happy with is that I can see definite progress with each new button as I get used to the method.
(From left to right).

That and the fact that while the process got a lukewarm reception at first, I really like doing them now and have idea for my last two already! Why is it that my inner three-year-old never learns to stop dragging her feet and just try something before she decide she doesn't like it!? Two more under my belt by the end of the weekend and then it's on to square medallions! Wheeeeee! Loving the ride!

Update: Finished the last two!

# 4 Orange Autumn

#5 Red and Black


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