Busy Bee

Things have been relatively busy at Chez Bee these days. The weather is getting a little warmer and the winter blues are scampering away. There have been garden seedling to plant and garages to sweep and spring cleaning in general.

I have discovered that I can knit on my evening walks now that my fingers don't freeze off. I knit about an inch a mile. Tuesday night I walked 3.5 miles and last night I walked 2.5 and that (plus the little head start I got at Knit Night last Friday night) gave me a sock leg in record time. Tonight we find out if I can knit the flap and turn the heel at 3.5 m.p.h.! Accomplishing it, and accomplishing it without puncture wounds to my protective outer coating are two different things. The struggle is real.


I drug out 'Tribal Narwal' from the closet where it has been sitting in time out 'thinking about what it's done' and commenced work on it with the hopes of getting it done in time for Expo in July. I hate working on this so much right now. It's poster size-way too big. I'm at the 'I just want to get it over with' stage. I want to finish it because I have ideas for two other poster-sized pieces. Yep-I'm a slow learner!

I took a free origami class over at the library last night. First we made a box.

 Then we made a jumping frog. If you touch his butt, you can make him jump in the box!

Next came a gift card envelope

Or a library card envelope as it were!

Then we learned to make Mama and baby penguin.

 And last was a little petal box. This is the bottom

And this is the top

And when we finished, all of our new treasures fit in our little box!

Our library is so great. It's big, beautiful, has all the amenities and provides really interesting free author lectures, classes and workshops. I love it so much, I would marry it if I could! Anyway, that's all the news that's fit to print around here. What have YOU been up to?


Michelle said…
I'm envious of the knitting you can do while walking! If I don't watch my stitches, I mess up. If I don't watch my step, I fall down.

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