April Fools Blows In Like A Blizzard and The Definition of Chinese Food

As most of you know, when my Dad passed away on April 1, 1999, my Mum gave me a coin bank that belonged to him and it's one of my dearest treasures. It's one of the wooden box ones with the old post office box door that has a little alphabetical dial lock on it. Since then, I try not to spend any change and just keep socking it away into Daddy's bank. Then I take it to the bank on November 1st (his b-day) and April 1st and cash it in. I didn't get to do it in November because I was just getting home from California, (I felt bad because it was the first one I missed in 17 years!) so it's been a year since it's been emptied this time. I could hardly lift the thing...$192! I also try never to spend $5 bills and when I get 20, I take them in,and put them in savings. I had close to $300 in $5's.  Cha Ching!

I went to Knit Night with the girls Friday night, but didn't knit. I have been working on my shawl so much that I've all but blown out my wrist and thumb so I brought my doodling instead. Worked on Sea Glass most of the night and we listened to Beth Kille who is a great singer from Madison.

So my April 1st was good and I didn't get fooled all day-mostly because I worked from my home office and there was no one there but Ben, Cooper and I...but I wouldn't put it past Cooper to try something. As it turns out,  April Fools Day happened April 2nd this year...when I woke up to THIS! What?!?!?

Snow!  And not just snow...WEIRD snow. In 5-10 minute intervals from morning until early afternoon, it alternated between the sun shining with bright blue skies and dark overcast with white-out snow and hail; wave after wave after wave! And the winds!  A huge tree fell on our neighbors' house and there were THREE metal downspouts rolling down the street at one point. It was howling so bad that it freaked poor Cooper out and he ran around the house like he was possessed, his eyes as big as saucers! Glad I didn't have to go out for anything during all that. I went out at suppertime to have Chinese food with Friends-Hope and Matthew but it had calmed way down by then. 

Matthew (age 7 going on 47) cracked me up at the buffet. He hadn't been to one before and his mum helped him pick out some things that he might like from the Asian and American selections. I came back to the table and he had mashed potatoes, corn, fried chicken and green beans on his plate. He took one bite of his mashed potatoes and said, "I don't like Chinese food!" I said, "You don't have any Chinese food on your plate, Dude!" He picks up a piece of food from his plate and holds it over his head in a 'Eureka' kind of way and says, "Oh yeah?! Whattaya call THIS!"  "A green bean", I reply flatly. He took a closer look, says, "Oh yeah" and eats it. I may or may not have snorted out loud. Seems the problem turned out to be with the gravy on the potatoes , not 'Chinese food' in general. 

Sunday was over 60° with a balmy wind and I spent most of it reading (Be Frank With Me by Julia Claibourne Johnson- 2 thumbs WAY up!)  or out with Stick, exploring the damage of the previous day's storm. I think we had all four seasons over the course of two days! How was YOUR weekend?


Renee Anne said…
My mother-in-law called from outside Milwaukee and showed us the snow via FaceTime. We rubbed it in a bit. It was 72 and we'd been in the pool earlier in the day. Oops. I do not miss snow.
Michelle said…
Here it was just beautiful spring weather – on the coast, as well! Glad you got to stay home when it was nasty.

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