Diva Challenge #244: "Tripoli Triptastic"

Two weeks in a row! Now that summer and autumn are winding down, I have a little more tangle time on my hands. This week's Diva Challenge was to use the tangle pattern : Tripoli.  This isn't one of my fav tangles. I want to make it way more perfect than I have the ability to draw it. It's a simple concept-a grid of triangles, but I lose control of it very quickly-especially if I draw it small, so I thought I'd make it big for this one, Didn't make a difference-still got wonkey triangles.  But I had fun anyway-doing something different with it that using it as a filler.

Thanks for another great challenge, Diva!


Unknown said…
Such an interesting idea! Love it so much!
Anne's tangle blog said…
It looks like a window view at the stars. Love it.
This is amazing, it feels like I am stargazing. I adore it.
Ilse said…
Beautiful, like I'm looking at a starry night through a pretty glass roof.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful tile!
Anja said…
Wonderful tile! "Christmas-stars" are twinkling. Love it
Ulrike B. said…
awesome, very very nice
Jenny Cooper said…
Aah...one of those special tiles that makes me think, " why didn't I think of that?" Beautiful!
Unknown said…
It's really wonderful and very fun. Beautiful job!
jeanchaneyaz said…
Oh, it does look like a beautifully domed ceiling looking out on a starlit night. Lovely!
Ragged Ray said…
Love it - looks really different, which is a great thing.
Sue Sharp said…
Wow, so much detail and depth! Very beautifully done!
Your giving us a magical view of the starry sky. Love it.

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