Diva Challenge: UMT: Charlie

This week's Diva Challenge was to use Erin Olson's tangle "Charlie". Charlie is based on the t shirt that Charlie Brown wears on Peanuts. I've used it a couple of times, but not a lot because it feels 'jarring' to me and reminds me of electricity.  Because of that I decided to make an electric fence guarding the fields and flowers!

Thanks for another great challenge Laura!!!!!


Unknown said…
Those are some well protected flowers with all that barbed wire and electricity! :o) Looks really good :o)
Anne's tangle blog said…
A great idea that turned out very well!
Anonymous said…
Nice tile, but I love the barbed wire!
ledenzer said…
I love the border of barb wire and it sets the perfect tone for Charlie. What an intelligent tile!
Annette P.-L. said…
Wonderful tile and so great idea!!
Tangles and More said…
Creative. Feel like I am peeking through the flowers.

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