Sherman Old Home Days

I was lucky enough to time my trip this year so that I could attend the Sherman Old Home Days Festival.  I haven't been since I was a kid.   There were games, a parade, a craft fair, a talent show, and live music but the highlight is the homemade pumpkin donuts!  Once a year a bunch of folks get together for one day and make hundreds of pumpkin donuts at the festival.  They are cooked in the front yard of a house.

The Donut Hole! Get it?
The ladies at the head of the line make the dough and then the next ones cut out the donuts.
The guys fry them up in hot oil.
Batch after batch! The smell is amazing!

We got a couple and then went back to our spot to watch the parade.  It was pretty good for such a small town; lots of floats, music, art displays, Shriner's go carts, etc.  Here is a pic of my favorite entry; literally a 'dog and pony show'.  I love that the dog is bigger than the pony!
(Click to Biggify.  It's worth it!)

Had a wonderful time and got to see folks I hadn't seen in years.  Guess that's why they call it 'Old Home Days' ya?
Tomorrow: Fire At The Lake


dale-harriet said…
I LOVE a small-town parade; I always cry when the proud little cub sprouts march along carrying their flags....And pumpkin donuts? Well, what can one say?
Sara said…
I love a parade, especially the one's where I grew up. Tradition, I guess.

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