Mollydoodle Thursday?

Haven't been blogging much. The past couple of weeks have been hectic and the next couple will be too, but I wanted to get in my Diva's Challenge entry for this week. Last week was all straight lines. This week's is all curves. This one was easier for me since I can't draw a straight line with a ruler! So here it is..."Love Your Curves Baby!" Also I was honored to have a Guest Tangle In Residence last night. Here is Her Nib's very first tangle. She wishes to remain anonymous so you may call her Miss Nibs if you are so inclined! She flew in the face of convention by doing hers entirely in pencil, the rebel. I may miss out on the challenge next week-sob. I'm really enjoying doing these. Check out the other entries at the Diva's website. Just click on the button on the left! Have a great week!