
Showing posts from February, 2011

MollyDoodle Monday

I'm changing from Zentangle Monday to MollyDoodle Mondays because I don't follow the 'rules' of proper 'Zentangling' which involves special paper tiles and pens and methods. I just do what I do as usual and bumble through it my own way. At any rate. Here are this week's tangles in no particular order. Bits and Pieces Dale (this was for my friend Dale and contains things that remind me of her-fans, baskets, music, Native American beads, dragon scales for strength and calico flowers like the ones on the dresses she wears.  This one is for all the folks who didn't see the moose in 'Northern Maine'.   This guy is a wee bit more obvious. See if you can spot him! I think this one is my favorite of the week. The pussy willows are my current favorite motif! Libya Spring Pussy willows and lupine.

Wonderful Weekend

Got out a bit more this weekend than I have in weekends past. I was beginning to get a wee bit 'o the cabin fever doncha know. I went over the Victor Allen's on Saturday afternoon to knit with Elizabeth, Jen and Linda. Still working on the cable sweater. I have two repeats on the back finished. 4 more to go!  Then just two sleeves, sew it together and I'm done. Estimated time of delivery-November 2016. On Saturday night, I made cookies in anticipation of lunching with Dale and Mary on Sunday.  Chocolate Chip with Oreos in the middle. Oh, they'll kill you, but what a way to go!  They created a brief Internet sensation when I posted them on Facebook.  I'll post the recipe over on Molly Bee's Kitchen . I hadn't seen Dale in many moons and missed her terribly.  I packed up the cookies that I hadn't farmed out to neighbors, and went to meet her and sister-Mary, over at Outback Steak house. The fillet and crab cakes were divine, but my soul needed the nou...

Clearly An Intervention Needs To Be Staged....

This week has been a 'Stop The Madness, For G*d's Sake Stop The Madness'  kind of week on so many fronts... Governor Kim Jong Walker's megalomaniac  'No Compromise Or Negotiation And If You Don't Agree With My Plan I'll Start Using Extortion' style of non-democratic, political madness. STOP IT! The Misery for Entertainment's Sake Mongers- Things aren't grim enough in our Capitol right now?  This historical action by the people of Wisconsin isn't newsy enough for you? You have to spread 'riot' news even though there aren't any?  STOP IT! Snow, Ice, Freezing Rain, More Snow.. STOP IT!!! (Note: THREE exclaimation points). Incessant Whining-You're tired? You're bored? You're uninspired? You chipped a nail? You're mired in your own gloom? Guess what? You're a victim of your own making. STOP IT! I'm included in the last group myself. I'm feeling a bit tether-less, homeless and at loose ends. Today...

I'd Like To Thank The Academy...

Guess what you guys?! I won an award! The proprietor of PZ Designs picked MY blog as one of the group she awarded a 'Blog With Style' award!  I KNOW right?! I was surprised and honored. You should all  pop on over to her blog. She makes some wicked gawjus jewelry for her Etsy shop. Seems this here award comes with a few rules and stipulations.  Number one is to tell 7 things about myself.  I know, like you'll don't already have too much information in that department  right?  But I want the award dammit, so here goes...hmmm 7 things you DON'T already know....Deep Dark Secret Time...Heck! I'll even give you 3 bonus ones! 1.  I love awards and will follow all the rules to get one. 2.  One time I beat up a deaf kid in a bowling alley. It was an accident, but he still deserved it. 3.  I can remove my socks without using my hands. Talent or super power?  Don't judge until you've seen the  show. 4.  I once...

Zentangle Monday 2/21/2011

Still uber excited about the Zentangling thing and had a pretty productive week. It's so relaxing and fun to do plus I love surfing the net for ideas for fill patterns.  It's more than a little obsessive though.  At one point I found myself in the ladies' room at work sketching the floor tiles.  Later in the week I was outlining some netting in the produce section at the market on the back of my grocery list.  But I guess as long as I'm not hurting anybody...and I'm definitely not harming any of the dust bunnies that dwell under every surface of my nest!  Here is this week's work...   ï»¿Round and Round Stuff and Nonsense Apple Corer  Northern Maine The Lion Sleeps Tonight Barriers

You Know You Have A Sock Problem When...

About 1/2 my stash...All washed up and ready for one or two more rounds before they get put away until Fall!

Zendoodle Monday

I've decided to try and keep my new-found fascination and love affair with Zentangles and Zendoodling confined to Mondays and not post them everyday even though I am churning them out at an alarming rate.   I finished the one I was working on this weekend. What was supposed to be a rope frame looks like a pie crust so I've decided to call it Pie From Another Planet. This stuff is so addictive and makes you see doodle patterns everywhere. Yesterday I was obsessed with trees. I have about 75 more pics almost exactly like these. Wanna see? And I also tried to convince Steve to steal his plate a breakfast because it has a stark black and white pattern on it. I couldn't help it.  I was 'drawn' to it.  Get it?   Drrrraaawwwwnnnn to it?  From now on I'll keep a sketch pad handy so I won't turn to a life of petty thievery to inspire my habit. So to recap, my  new found, meditation practice of doodling to reduce stress and obsessive thinking has morphed in...

Zentangles and Zippy Pups

Woke up today to sun and mist as the temps finally rose and the snows started to settle. It was none too soon either as I've been in a climb-the-clock-tower kind of mood all week. I am amazed at how well Ben is healing. Sorry for the p*rno-esque shot but I wanted to show how the bruising is all but gone and the wound is pretty much sealed.  He woke up this morning 'Mr Zippy'.  He's been sore and sick to his stomach all week, but seems to have turned the corner. It's going to be a difficult few weeks of trying to keep his body down and calm when his 'inner Bentley' is a wild child careening around and ricocheting off things! This week I discovered Zentangles .  I try to meditate at least 15 minutes every day.  I call it 'being still' though as meditation always brings forth visions of pretzel legs and 'ohms'.  It's not in my nature to not be doing 75 things at once, usually at warp speed, so since the first of the year, I've tried t...

Baby Ben's Boo-Boo Knee

Warning! There are graphic post-surgery pictures coming up! Despite their ugliness, they are absolutely amazing looking for less than 24 hours after surgery . Yesterday Dr. Silbernagel operated to repair Ben's knee. His knee joint was congenitally at about a 29% angle which put too much ware and tear and stress on his ligament and it gave way, just like his left one did about a year and a half ago.  Part of the knee bone was shaved down to change the angle to about 7% and a titanium plate and 6 screws were inserted to shore up the knee. First they shaved the whole leg... well as a spot on the front and a patch above his tail where the epidural went in. It mostly looks bad because of the bruising. But in reality, it looks AWESOME! All of the stitches are on the inside the the outside is glued so there's no oozing or mess. I have to ice it every few hours and do range of motion exercises.  He has to stay quiet and off the furniture, but he is doing amazingly w...

To Prove That There Is Knitting Content

Finally finished the back of my St Enda sweater! If I counted all of the tinking and reknitting, this would have been the 75th back I've knit!  It looks a little wonky because it's unblocked, I'll wait until I have the back and sleeves done to block it....Estimated time of blocking=early spring 2015. Gosh I hope the Mayan Calendar is wrong! If it's not wonky enough for you already, I've included an out of focus, not centered close up version for your enjoyment!  Alice Starmore! I love you! What are YOU knitting?

Snowpocalypse 2011

Well, Jimmy the Wisconsin Groundhog couldn't tunnel his way out of his hole so he didn't see his shadow. He dug up about 6 feet into a snowdrift and then gave up and went back down to sleep. Smart rodent! I'm calling and early spring by default; only six more weeks of winter instead of a month and a half! Outside my door after 'the guy' had snowblowed...snowblown? out. Click to biggyfy and see how deep the snow blowers path is! Darn Snow Plow! I had a little 6 inch snowbank day before yesterday. Here it's under my bedroom window after I shoveled at 6AM. It's even higher now since my upstairs neighbor shoveled off her deck! Note how high the snow is over the snow blower man's head!  The little guy in the driveway has a fake snow blower that he 'helps' with (he's four).  He also has a fake lawnmower and a fake leaf blower that he follows dad around with in the spring summer and fall. . Priming the pump! Good thinking parents! Thi...