Ticks, Treasure and Things That Go Poof In The Night!

Where is the time going????? All of a sudden tomorrow is June!?!?! How did that happen? I can totally see how the oil companies could be ‘unprepared for seasonal changes’. [That was the last reason I heard for the exorbitant gas prices….”Sorry American Public, we had absolutely no idea summer was coming this year! So in response to this huge surprise we will be offering second mortgages on your homes so you can afford enough fuel to get to work every day”] I’m not prepared for the heat. I’m not prepared for all of the events; weddings, graduations, festivals. Sigh! Time, she flies, no? I waxed all poetical-like about our Geocaching experience last weekend. But you know the old saying that ‘it’s always fun until someone gets hurt’. Well, Geocaching is always fun until you discover you’re infested with TICKS ! Ewwwwwww! We went to get a cache that was in high weeds and when we came out they were everywhere! We picked off as many as we could and still found more when we got home. I hate ...