
Showing posts from October, 2021

Wicked Wonderful Weekend

 I had a really nice weekend. I didn't expect to since I had both my Covid booster and my flu shot  on Thursday afternoon. My first of the original two Covid shots put me under the weather for about 24 hours...but I just got a headache from this one and that's about it. And since I get headaches anyway, who knows if it was from the shots or not? At any rate, I was prepared for a stay-at-home-lay-about weekend.  Life is what happens when you are making other plans.  Since I decided Friday Night that I guess I wasn't going to be incapacitated after all, I arranged to go with friend, Donna to Baraboo to the Arts and Crafts Festival. It was really nice and way bigger than I thought it would be. Baraboo is where Ringling Brothers started so there were also circus-y things all over town. So much fun! After the Fair we went to lunch at a little breakfast place and then headed to one of my fav spots, Pewett's Nest, to see the gorge and waterfall. Then we stopped at Sky Hi Ap...

Warm Weather and Watercolor Woes

 We've been lapping up these last warm days of autumn here at Chez Bee. I go for walks at least once a day in the prairie park down the street and Mr. Moose wants to go out for more walks now that it's not so hot, but not cold yet. He has a terminal heart condition, so he doesn't go very far or very fast, but I cherish his little Mr. Tudball sojourns around our block. I usually have an urge to do some spinning come October but our 70-80 degree temps have put the kybosh to that so far. I am working on an afghan for our sofa that will be done soon so maybe then I'll feel more like greasing Mabel up and taking her for a spin. Lord knows I have lots of wool to spin even though I haven't been to the Sheep And Wool Festival for 2 years! Aside for that I've been arting-mostly Zentangling and art journaling, but a little watercolor here and there. I want to love watercolors. I love the way they look in other people's work, but so far we have a like/hate relationship...

The Dog Days of October

 Well, lookie here! Haven't checked in here for a while and thought it might be fun to start up again.  Blogger has implemented some changes since the last time I posted and I don't know if this even still works, but I'll give it a go.    So...what has happened in the last two years....oh nothing really....since I've been trapped in my house because of a global pandemic! From March 2020-March 2021 I was oh so alone in my home. I ordered groceries online and  then drove the the grocery store where a young man put them in the trunk of my car. Every three months I went to the pharmacists to pick up meds and that. was. it.   For A YEAR!  No friends, Knit Night, restaurants, movies trips, vacations, holidays or get-togethers.  No coworkers since my company went remote. You would think that I must have been bored here in the nest with nowhere to go...but nope. I had lots of worrying, fretting and stewing to do. During that entire year, my only view...