Out of Town Visitors and Alpaca Fest

Friends, Aaron and Terri Browne, formerly of my building and now of Minneapolis, visited last week with my honorary niece and nephew, Noelle (8 months) and William (3 in a couple of weeks!). No bias on my part when I say they are the most adorable, beautiful, brilliant children EVER! I regret to say that I was so living in the moment that I forgot to take pictures. I got a couple of hasty ones of William at breakfast on Saturday Someone explain to me why, with my limited photography skills, I insist on taking photos of children and animals, the two subjects who are always in motion. Isn't William a sweetie? He's growing big and strong on the dog bones we feed him. Just kidding, the bones in the picture were ones he was taking to his dog, Brinkley who was waiting patiently in the car....See? Then it was off to the Alpaca show. I communed with the animals: I so wanted to hug this guy. He was the most teddy-bear like guy in the ...