Weekly Challenge #116: "Blind Sighted"
This week's Diva Challenge was a great one! It was to close your eyes and blindly draw a string and then tangle it. The' tangle it' part was with your eyes open. I learned that one the hard way. In fact, I learned several things during this exercise.
1. I have no concept of size.
2. To others, that little bump the pencil makes, signifies that you are leaving the 'safe zone' of the thick cushy tile, and venturing into the 'no-no' territory of the white counter top.
3. Not to me it doesn't.
4. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser cleans the pencil strings off the white counter tops just fine. ( I believe this exercise is why Maria came up with the 'strings are only in pencil' rule. I'm sure she envisioned the possibility of me trying to clean permanent marker off white tile with my Magic Eraser. Thanks Maria!.)
My first string made it a little onto the tile but not much. The part on the top right that ended up on the counter top (and a little on my my phone bill) was much more interesting, but I always go with what I have. I outlined the string in red.
So you can see...precious little string to work with.
Here's the second one I did, because I seem to be all about the colored pencils these days. The string is in red. The rest of the top right hand loop is on my counter. A significant amount of the bottom left hand line is on my Chang Jiang Menu. All indications point to the fact that the clutter on my counter needs to be taken care of sooner rather than later.
And here it is without the string.
Why, when I was working on a 3.5 inch tile with my eyes closed, did I think I could make huge sweeping-motion strings a la Jackson Pollack? Twice? A little too enthusiastic about this challenge? I don't know. It is yet another one of the mysterious qualities that makes me the 'special' person I am today. I'm not crazy. My Mum had me tested.
Thanks again for another great challenge, Laura! You rock!
P.S. word verification and autocorrect are not friends.
Like the color in the second tile.
Be happy :)
Jacque Solomon