Blankety Blank Blank Socks!

I was going to go to The Sow's Ear tonight for iced tea and knitting, but since I am still a little draggy from my recent migraine/gastric misadventures (TMI?), I bagged the idea in favor of a long bubble bath and a good book. But before I settle in, I wanted to post these pictures of my Sock Blank Socks. Everyone is probably getting tired of seeing them, but I wanted to get the picture out there because they may be the only way my Mum ever gets to see how the sock blank I got her knits up. (Snicker: This is me being bratty and picking on her for not knitting more! It's so easy at 1500 miles away and out of 'swingin' range'! Heh heh heh!) So here they are along side the bit of blank that I had left over. The legs are 7 inches long and the feet are only 9" long so there is plenty in a blank for larger sizes.

These are totally out of my color comfort zone. I prefer the blue-teal-purple-aqua side of the color wheel. Those of you who know me personally have probably heard of me refer to my favorite color as 'melted peacock'. Well, melted peacock this ain't, but I really like 'em. And I like the way that even though there are funky color changes and no discernable patterning, the socks still match because the blank is double knit. This is the rest if the blank. Enough for a child's pair or a couple of baby pairs at least.

So to to recap:
  • Feeling draggy (but better than yesterday) so staying in.
  • I highly recommend blanks from the Fiber Art Cafe.
  • Plenty of yarn for all sizes of socks.
  • Great colors.
  • My socks are done.
  • Mum's aren't (snicker).


Kitty Mommy said…
To Melinda's Mum: Do you want me to swat her for you next time I see her?
Cindy G said…
Love the colors! Love, love love!

And I'm sorry you were feeling rotten. Hope the bubble bath helped.
MadCityMike said…
>Mum's aren't (snicker)<

And I used to think you were such a nice girl....sigh... ;)
Lisa/knitnzu said…
does your mum call you wicked?
Susan Forbes said…
You did a beautiful job on your socks Molly! Thanks for stopping my my booth at sheep and wool :)


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