Are You Going To Scarborough Fair?
Genetically Engineered Headless Oreo Chickens (Cause you don't want anyone looking when you eat that much Oreo!)

My next car (a 2010 Tesla) if I can save up my pennies....

My next car (a 2008 Alpaca) if I can't....

And as exciting as the fair is, it was even more exciting when Steve, Joe and Cam tried to rescue the poor, unfortunate, young man that had become trapped in this giant wooden barrel. They nearly had him out before the police and fire departments arrived. Oddly, rather than continue with the rescue efforts, the authorities invited us to leave the park. I wanted to stay because I heard them talking about some 'incident' on their walkie talkies, but Joey was becoming especially agitated for some reason.

(That's Joe as "The little Girl" and me as "The Farmer". Don't ask.)
I came home and pulled myself together (I as much as that is EVER a possibility...) and then Ben and I went to play Wii games with my friend, Wee Paddy, for the evening. He's 5 (almost 6... going on 45). My favorite line of the evening was when I asked him to please eat just a bit more of his supper before we began the big competition, and he said (and I quote),
" I find that at my age, I just don't eat that much!..."
I know! He kept me in stitches all night. And even though I'm a couple (:ahem-cough:) o' years older AND I sic-ed Ben on him to lick his toes and distract him, he STILL won almost every game we played! They were all boy games though- Ping Pong, Tanks, Duck Hunting, Fishing, Hockey, Aerial Combat. The only game I smoked him in was wake boarding (A total fluke I know! Have you ever SEEN me swim? I'm surprised the little digitized Wii Coast Guard didn't show up!)
I'm already plotting my comeback though. Next time, I'm bringing my OWN Wii game disk; Lace Knitting, Napping, Chocovine Consumption, Hand Spinning, and Ph.D Herding. Then we'll see who's King Of The Rec Room my friend...then we'll just SEE!
How was YOUR Weekend?
Looks like you had a great weekend!
Looks like fun. I like the Dane Co. Fair (though it always seems weirder than h*** to go to a country fair in a parking lot.)