I've had a wicked case of One-itis lately. I'm devoting the rest of the month to finishing up and pairing off all of the lonely singles I have kicking around here; one Toe Up sock, one Toe Down sock and a Sulbu mitten. When I envisioned this post in my head, I saw it as a puppet show:
[Top Down sock pops up over the back of the sofa]:
"♫Onnnnnneeee.... is the loneliest number that you'll ever do♫"
"♫Twwwwooooo can be bad as one...♫"
And they all start rockin' together Three Dog Night style!!! There's stage fog and lasers!!! The crowd goes wild!!!!
But then I thought, 'No that's just weird and you probably shouldn't even admit that you seriously entertained the thought right up until the logistics of working all three 'puppets', the lights, fog machine, and camera all by yourself slowed you down.' No, best just to keep it to myself.....