Wicked Wonderful Weekend

 I had a really nice weekend. I didn't expect to since I had both my Covid booster and my flu shot  on Thursday afternoon. My first of the original two Covid shots put me under the weather for about 24 hours...but I just got a headache from this one and that's about it. And since I get headaches anyway, who knows if it was from the shots or not? At any rate, I was prepared for a stay-at-home-lay-about weekend.  Life is what happens when you are making other plans. 

Since I decided Friday Night that I guess I wasn't going to be incapacitated after all, I arranged to go with friend, Donna to Baraboo to the Arts and Crafts Festival. It was really nice and way bigger than I thought it would be. Baraboo is where Ringling Brothers started so there were also circus-y things all over town. So much fun! After the Fair we went to lunch at a little breakfast place and then headed to one of my fav spots, Pewett's Nest, to see the gorge and waterfall. Then we stopped at Sky Hi Apple Orchard on the way home. It was a wonderful day and I had a great time catching up with Donna. 

I also met my new beau. His name is Zoe. He makes me laugh and there was room for all of my craft fair purchases in those pants! Practical!

On Saturday night, I got an invitation from friends, Scott and Michael, asking me out to breakfast the next morning. We met at La Brioche ( I think it's called 'True' now?) for my favorite berry crepes and a nice visit. My brothers from another mother!

What a bounty of blessings on what was going to be a low key weekend! I have THE BEST friends!

Other than that I did stay in and work on my afghan when I was at home both days. It's 104 crocheted squares which went pretty quickly, but wrasslin' it all together is proving to be...um... interesting. I hope all of the muttered, and sometimes shouted, swear words aren't weaving themselves into the yarn for all eternity or this blanket will have some seriously bad juju! Despite the fact that I have lots of 'help'  from a certain tom cat, I am happy to report that I only have two long seams. weaving in ends and a border to do!  

I guess that's all the news that's fit to report for last weekend. Time spent with friends and simple pleasures makes for a great life!

With Grit, Grace, and Gratitude,



Michelle said…
Those crepes alone would have made my weekend! Glad you had some good times. 😃
Unknown said…
So glad you are back to blogging, you were missed!

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