Popping Up Again Like the Flowers of Spring

Wow! Five months since I've written on here! Doesn't seem like that long on the one hand....but on the other, it seems like 5 years!  This has been the longest. winter. ever.  To be fair, not a lot of earth-shattering, blog-worthy stuff has been happening, Maine for Christmas, work, teaching Zentangle, crafting, reading and trying to keep our sanity here at McCurdo Midwest. But it looks like to long months of house arrest are finally over. Our spring flowers are up-crocuses mostly. Once the 5 foot snowbank in the garden melted, we discovered that they had jumped the gun and were already 3-4 inches high under there! Bless their little hearts.

With the warmer (relative term) weather and the ice gone, long walks are once again on the docket. Love to take three or four miles through Prairie Park and watch the world waking up again. I have been bringing plastic grocery bags with me and picking up the trash and detritus of winter. That in itself is...interesting. Sometimes the combination of things tickles me. One day I found condom wrappers and a Fisher Price baby rattle. I thought to myself, 'Well, that didn't work!'  Sometimes the reactions I get to picking up trash is worth the effort, like the day I returned with an overflowing bag of  econo-sized vodka bottles and six packs of empty, hard tonic cans and my neighbor asked me if I had had a party out in the woods. Yeah-'cause that's how I roll.  Do I look like I sneak off into the woods to drink?  I hunker in my own dwelling to do that, Sir!

Mostly I get a lot of  'why are you doing that's? I started out saying things like, 'Gotta take care of the planet' or 'Looks better with out garbage all around'. But I got tired of the 'That's a great idea' and 'Awww! That's so nice'  comments then seeing the same people out walking everyday sans garbage bags of their own. I figured I wasn't able to get the point across anyway, so for my own amusement  I just started saying 'Community Service' or 'Work Release Program'. I think word has gotten around. I dont' get asked much anymore.

April is full of different things to do, a trip to Sturgeon Bay, teaching numerous Zentangle classes at work and after, Prairie Tangler's meeting...Just going anywhere without dressing up like a Lapland Reindeer herder is exciting.

I've decided I'm going to try to update this once a week if anyone is still hanging in there. Based on the comments from her minions about not having posted in so long, my stalker is still checking so that's something I guess. I know all of the folks back home are still buried in the white stuff so I will leave you with this... I hope all of the snow in your lives melts soon so you can peek your heads out of the holes and hollows and sniff the fresh spring air! Happy April!


Michelle said…
You have a stalker? Oh well, I'm here, too!
Kirs said…
I'm still here too, welcome back!
Charlene said…
I'm still here too. I always enjoy your posts :-)

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