Diva Challenge #359 String Theory: Finger Stringer

I liked doing this week's Diva Challenge but as I looked at it when I was finished, I realized it would have looked a lot better if I hadn't extended the pattern in the index finger clear to the wrist. But my policy has always been to post the first attempt, not matter how lousy, because 'there are no mistakes in Zentangle'. I'm just thankful that it was the index, and not the middle! :-)

Thanks for the great tangle challenge, Laura!


Ilse said…
That’s a great entry! Very well drawn and a nice chouce of patterns.
trudi said…
Nice bold patters!
Anonymous said…
Nope, I don't agree. I like it the way it it. I like your bold patterns and the mix of styles. I like the shape you made and the way you left the background completely empty, so we focus on the hand. Nope, I think it's great just as it is.
I do like this tile!!
Cathy said…
I love the string! Perfect! And your choice of patterns equally lovely.
Nice work. Like the array of tangles that you used.
michele said…
Such a great piece! I love it;-)
Michele said…
Wonderful tile, tangled very well. Is that Viaduct in the palm? I love how you made a night sky there. Really a nice tile!

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